RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

6000th Post

This marks our 6000th active post. It was just on April 30th that we posted number 5000 and here we are, just shy of 5 months later, posting number 6000. Amazing.

6 Responses to “6000th Post”

  1. chris says:


  2. R.Anderson says:

    That’s a Hell of an accomplishment Eric! However, you’d be at 6500 if you wrote more about all of our cool new stuff! haha

    Seriously, great job, and you have done the impossible by maintaining a VERY consistent style and balanced reporting.


  3. MATBOCK says:

    Eric great job on keeping everyone informed; we love checking the site 2 & 3 times a day. We continue to tell everyone about SSD and how it’s the best outlet to keep up with the industry. Looking forward to more post!

    – Team at MATBOCK, LLC.

  4. Ground pounder says:

    Great job Eric!

  5. T. Auer says:

    Congrats Eric!

  6. J says:

    Keep up the good work Eric!