
Anti-Military? Ummm, How About Anti-Nazi?

Over the weekend we reported on the MarineCorpsSS Facebook page. It seems that some who have served in the Marine Corps Sniper community are butthurt over the Corps’ wise choice to ban the use of the Nazi doppelsigrunen insignia of the SchuetzStaffel. Considering that the symbol is forever associated with the systematic killing, torture, and enslavement of approximately twelve million people at the hands of the SS, it’s no surprise that reasonable folks are flabbergasted at the thought of Marines wanting to identify with the device. Quite frankly it’s anti-American.

Apparently after our report, someone reported the page to Facebook, that by its own admission is, “A page dedicated to keeping the SS symbol alive and well in the Marine Scout Sniper community”. Facebook deleted the header image that featured the offending Nazi insignia. So naturally, the owners of the page have posted a retort. It’s absolutely hilarious considering the message the Nazi symbology they hold so dear sends to others. And, it pretty much outs them as the Nazi lovers they so long to be.


We didn’t out them, but is it any surprise that they were? Here are their two previous headers. Notice that their small photo lost the lightning bolts first so as to disguise their intent.

First it looked like this


and then, it changed to this

At this point I am sure the group has garnered the attention of NCIS who are probably, at this very moment, perusing the fan list to see if any are still on Active Duty. Not to mention DHS, the Southern Poverty Law Center as well as the Anti-Defamation League who are all ardent anti-Nazis. Of course, the answer to this mess is simple; stop being a wannabe Nazi.

I’ll leave you with this.

The Facebok page is

35 Responses to “Anti-Military? Ummm, How About Anti-Nazi?”

  1. Bill says:

    Well said.

  2. Ash says:

    Love it: “…tree-hugging, anti-military, communist d-bag reported it.” Yeah, coulda’ been a hippy, or maybe just someone who respects the fact that Nazis were Socialists and murdered Americans in their quest to dominate the world.

    • Ash says:

      Just visited the page: “Gentlemen: Help us piss off some more liberal commies, send in your SS pics…. We will make a nice anti-PC collage that’s bound to piss off some hippies.”

      At least we know they’re standing by their moral convictions and belief in their actions, instead of being just as whiney as all the “hippies” that take offense. Nothing like being a hypocrite. And can all the commie hippies on this site please stand up? It would seen that you’re the only ones that are offended by this.

      • Strike-Hold says:

        I would stand up, but I’m too busy giving my p**** a douche, smoking a joint, munching on my vegan breakfast, worrying about all the innocent little insects that were inconvenienced by the growing of my food. And then after that I’ve got to put on my Birkenstocks and tie-dye t-shirt and go hug all the trees in the neighborhood, and then drop into the commune for a peace-chanting drum circle….

        • Ash says:

          Pass that s**t, dude… Then we can go check out ARFCOM with all the other hippies.

  3. Jack says:

    The only thing sillier than them touting their beloved SS lightening bolts as being so cool is the fact that these jackasses get it branded on their bodies with red hot close-hangers. Brilliant. HOGs forever!

  4. from Poland says:

    Well said? I’m from Poland and we’ve sufferred both from Nazi and communists killing hunderds of thousands of us. AFAIK communists killed lots of US soldiers in Vietnam and SS was killing Americans POW. I’ve been in Midddle East (for some affairs other just sightseeing) now being with defence industry. And if now somebody writes that only somebody being communist and anti military can be against such emblem then all people around the world should do something cool with emblems of Japanese WWII military – not mentioning their massares on US POW during WWII. How cool is that? Please, don’t be more stupid&arrogant than Americans used to be! Marines – Semper Fidelis means loyal to things that matter most and last longer than than coolest emblem. Please, do not feel offended with comments against such emblem, loyalty is also among your friends which will tell you truth what’s good and what’s bad and bringing disgrace to the Corps. I simply can not imagine Marines Uniform with Waffen SS symbol. God bless the USA!

    • Akyn says:

      Your nation was nazi slaves, without future, commies let you live.
      Millions soldgiers died fighting for your future, than rebuilding your country again.
      And now you mess them with nazi.
      Bravo Poland. Very clever.

      German will need the Lebensraum again, but now no russian barbarians to save your proud europian ass.

      • majrod says:

        “German will need the Lebensraum again”

        Really man? It’s clear whose side your on.

        • Jimbo says:

          I highly doubt Germany in its modern form will go on the warpath any time soon; and to be honest, neither will Russia.

          But Akyn does have a point, Katyn massacre even in mind. The Nazis were the ultra-bad. Stalin came close, but the Soviet Union after Stalin, while not a friend of the United States, was not remotely comparable on the evil scale to the Nazis.

          Was Poland oppressed under the Soviets? Yes. But they would have been slaves or murdered under the Nazis. The world is full of lesser evils, and its folly to pretend otherwise.

  5. from Poland says:

    Read this Marines:
    Do you want to have SS symbol badge?

  6. Jack says:

    Notice that they described the double S symbol that was removed as “SS bolts.” Not “historic Nordic runes hijacked by them nasty ol’ Nazis,” not “a traditional Scout Sniper symbol,” not “just like the ‘S’ in the famous rock band KISS,” but as what they are and what they know them to be: SS bolts.

    Words mean things. Symbols mean things.

    As an 18yo cherry in the 82nd Airborne, I hung a Confederate battle flag (rebel flag for you Yankees) on my wall. It symbolized to me what I thought of as “Southern pride,” but what many others thought of as ignorance, hate, and prejudice.

    I didn’t know any better.

    I was quickly educated to the error of my ways and my little flag went away. At the time I rejected the argument that my cool little flag could be hurtful to others, because, after all, I wasn’t into slavery or oppression or any bad shit like that. I was just rocking my Texas rebel pride, y’all.

    See, we judge ourselves by our intentions, but we judge others by their actions.

    I had no bad intentions, so what was all the hubbub about? I chalked it up to people overreacting and being poor students of history. And although I disagreed with the notion that my flag should come down, come down it did. See, those who knew better put a stop to my stupidity. Those who knew better protected me from myself.

    Like I said, I was an 18yo dummy and honestly did not know how much I didn’t know. Now I know better. Now I look back and am both embarrassed and shamed by my ignorance.

    I doubt that many, if any, of the Marine Scout Snipers who are proudly rocking their SS bolts honestly do not understand that the world, the whole entire world to include the US military, recognizes those bolts as a Nazi emblem. It’s not a matter of interpretation, it’s not a matter of everyone else has the wrong idea…the SS bolts are a Nazi symbol, and the whole world knows this.

    For good Marines to pretend otherwise, for good Marines to willingly display those symbols and act as if they just don’t understand what all the hubbub is about, is simply insulting to the rest of us.

    They know. They don’t care. They are wrong.

    I hope that someday, the Marines championing the use of this symbol of hate will also come to see the error of their ways. But until they do, those of us who do know better must not allow this to go on.

    • Sgt B says:

      You’re absolutely right.

      I’m curious to know how long they have been using this symbol of hate, and how long the chain of command has known about this.

      In the AF, we have guide which outlines social media and how it’s to be used. If the Marines aren’t using something similiar, they probably should. And as mentioned above, if someone had that symbol branded or tattoo’d, they’d better start looking for another career path.

  7. M D says:

    I really had to read this a couple times for it to sink in that there are people out there this dumb. Thank you for the laugh!

  8. John says:

    I love binary thinking. I must not like Nazi symbolism because I’m an anti-military commie. Has nothing to do with their anti liberty ideology, genocide, or the fact they nearly killed my grandfather in North Africa in 1942.

    They should keep the SS symbols on their page though. I like when a-holes self identify.

  9. orly? says:

    Like I said before:

    You know, this isn’t ONLY a PR/PC issue.


  10. Rob says:

    As United States citizens, members of the US military, Marines, NCO’s, Officers, humans…they should know better than to use that as a logo…PERIOD.

  11. ColdCase1984 says:

    I admire the work those boys do on my behalf, but this was a misstep.

    There are only about a zillion other typefaces available with which they could do their Double S. My grandpa was a China Marine in the 1920s, and I remember him not being too proud of Nazis up until his death in the mid-’60s.

    How about DEVILDOGS/SS in a hardass, heavy metal Gothic Type or even a Military Stencil Type?

    • Brandon says:

      If they like German influences, they can with what looks like a cursive capital B which means a double S “sound” when reading german. Also could have gone with old German font of the S.

  12. Cutter says:

    Lol…marines sporting SS symbols.
    What will they use in another 40-60 years? The “cool looking” crescent moon and some arabic letters that spell out Jihad?
    Retards. I am pretty sure there exist sone military heritage symbols from the US history, why display stuff used by the enemy?

  13. Tony says:

    I was a USMC scout/sniper (8541), honor graduate from the Quantico school in 1986, and instructor at the First Marine Division School in ’86-’87. These guys defensiveness is troubling. If any of them are active duty or active reserve and are NCOs, the Marine Corps has real freakin’ problems. If they are lance corporals, they need some serious schooling.

  14. Josh says:

    I reported their SS photo, and I’m happy that FB deleted it.
    The MCSS page operators have also deleted every comment I’ve made on their page. It seems (not surprisingly) that they don’t like being called out on their BS. I hope that FB pulls their page entirely.

    If there is any one thing I simply CANNOT abide it is Nazis.

    I’m about as far from a tree-hugging, anti-military, communist as they are from being justified in using Nazi symbols.

    I’m a Navy veteran, and I come from a military family.
    My Father was in Grenada, Panama, and the 1st Gulf war.
    My Grandfather was a half track driver/gunner in the 3rd Armor Division during WWII. I have relatives that have fought in every war from the Revolutionary war to the latest wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I’m even related to the 12th president of the US.

  15. JohnnyB says:

    They have a pic of Mattis with the quote “Engage your brain before you engage your weapon.” Odd that they did not heed that very advice.

  16. qualityhardware says:

    My grandfather fought men with “SS bolts” on their uniforms in Italy. He was a mean old cuss. Should these Marines ever meet him in Valhalla, they will be seriously dressed down and recalibrated before allowed into the bar.

  17. Brandon says:

    Well said. Its a shame that so many people feel the need to scream they are elite by attaching old insignia from past “elite” units. The SS was a pretty tough outfit but the Waffen SS were the true psychos that bled microscopic SS lightning bolts and swastikas. So many want to call themselves spartans because that was popular after the movie 300 when 90% of them had no clue what Sparta was and still have no clue what Sparta is and their knowledge remains based on a movie. Most of these individuals are so insecure that calling themselves a Marine Scout Sniper is not good enough. Now they have to call themselve HOGS. Well truth be told any gun fighter whose job includes going after a gun toting threat is a Hog. Besides, we all know real hunters of dangerous game are on the ground in close proximity to their prey. Not in a hide using distance as safety so it defeats the macho purpose of the Hog name. You dont need a kill or sniper school to have that as your job. By that logic, the snipers specialty on a target is taking out unexploded ordnance/material. But… egos wont allow them to come up with a catchy name for that.

    So be proud of being a Marine. A Marine Scout Sniper. You wont see SEALs or SF guys saying we NEED this Nazi insignia or we arent elite enough without a Spartan phrase or insignia. They are proud of their unit and ITs history without the need to try and attach a different units history. Most people will never bash anyone in the military as long that person is honest about they do. FOBBITS are ok as long as they admit what they do and dont talk about their entire unit being killed and he was the only survivor. Everyone is generally proud of the military and really enjoy the honest and humble guys who dont come off with an elitism attitude especially when it isnt wholly deserved. If youve ever encountered SEALs or SF guys with more ego than demonstrated skills, you know what I am talking about. Then on the other hand, you fall in love with guys from the same team or group that are as humble as can be.

  18. Ipkiss says:

    I have no problems to say that I reported the page to FB, and then asked my fellow military (some jewish) friends to report it also. We Dutch have had some issues with former users of this symbol in the past..

  19. Andrew says:

    I don’t see how they can only be a bad thing now. I mean hitler took the swastica from the Buddhist monks who used it as a symbol meaning peace and prosperity and now we in the western world freak out every time we see it. The SS runes were origionally just Greco-Roman symbols that hitler thought looked like two Ss side by side so he took it. Whose to say a symbol can be taken from something good and turned bad but not the other way around? Plus I think that since we and the other allies defeated the nazis in WW2 we should be free to capture their symbology and turn it to our own use. Just as we did with their scientists and technology. I mean people used to take other peoples heads as a war trophy, to display their achievements. I think come seeing a symbol os hardly something the marines should be condemned for.

  20. Matty says:

    Let’s stop calling them scout snipers because if you take the first two letters than it’s SS!

  21. Ken says:

    To paraphrase Elwood Blues, “I hate Marine Corps Nazis!”. Not only was I one of the many who reported them to Facebook but I am also the one who reported them to the Marine Corps Trademark and Licensing Program in the hopes of getting the EGA pulled from their Facebook page. You too can leave comments for the USMC TMLP here, Let them know what you think about a bunch of neo-nazi skinhead wannabe Marines tarnishing the EGA and the Corps’ rich history of honor and service by lumping the EGA in the same category as the SS lightening bolts.

  22. Desert Lizard says:

    SSD is such a great website. Keep up the good fight. Never get weary.

  23. majrod says:

    Just amazing how deep stupidity can ingrain itself in a fine organization.

  24. Ken says:

    I think we can call this a battle won.

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