GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

PenCott-GreenZone in Germany

Svensson Tactical Blog recently posted a series of photos featuring SABRE’s Gen.III Special Forces Smock and Sniper trousers in the “GreenZone” variant of the PenCott family of camouflage patterns. The location was “somewhere along the lower Rhine”.


For the full story visit www.hydedefinition.com

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8 Responses to “PenCott-GreenZone in Germany”

  1. .308 says:

    looks like SS spring camo no? very cool.

  2. Am I being a tad cynical when I suggest that they must have searched long and hard for the background to match the pattern.

  3. k98 says:

    Definitely reminds me of Waffen SS blurred edge pattern. What was old is new again!

  4. Dom Hyde says:

    Let me assure those whose familiarity with military camouflage begins and ends with war films and toy soldiers that PenCott is not in any way a copy of, or based on, ANY prior camouflage pattern, be it recent or 2nd World War, Allied or Axis. Any perceived resemblance to some SS pattern or other, or to the currently issued Flecktarn, for that matter, is entirely in the eye of the beholder. A brief comparison of the PenCott pattern with these supposedly similar schemes will quickly dispel any notion that our design is in some way related to – or worse – an homage to, the camo uniforms worn by the Nazi’s private army of thugs and racists.

    Hyde Definition does not condone extremism of any kind, for any reason, and like the US Declaration of Independence, we hold that all men are created equal. We believe that such equality of opportunity and responsibility should be blind to colour and gender and be maintained throughout society, for our civilisation’s ultimate benefit.

    NB: We’re not tree-hugging communist hippies, either! There is room for something in between.

  5. BradKAF308 says:

    No fan of nutzis here. but the movie “Where eagles dare”,. I thought the reversable smocks the Cdo’s had were the coolist! Make one with Greenzone and Badlands for the fall. Or BL and Snowdrift.

  6. Strike-Hold says:

    @Brad: I honestly think that movie was responsible for my life-long love affair with camouflage. 😉

    A reversible winter smock in Badlands and Snowdrift would totally rock!