SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Black Powder Red Earth V3 Available – Get Yours

Black Powder Red Earth is a great series of graphic novels. They’ve combined a well researched story line with art that reflects the environment, both physically and politically, that the characters find themselves in. Described as, “Special operations contractors, backed by Saudi petrodollars, wage a war of ruthless intrigue and clandestine violence against Iranian proxies and agents in the post-Iraq state, Basran,” it’s believable. And that makes it worth the read.

Black Powder Red Earth V3 is now available through Amazon.

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2 Responses to “Black Powder Red Earth V3 Available – Get Yours”

  1. Jon Chang says:

    Thanks for the kind words Eric 🙂

  2. JM says:

    Sweet, just finished the first one