SIG MMG 338 Program Series

MDM – ArmorWorks


ArmorWorks has been hard at work developing new designs like this jungle load system demonstrator. They’ve also been working with integrating new materials into those designs. Look for something completely new, coming soon.


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7 Responses to “MDM – ArmorWorks”

  1. Reseremb says:

    1st 6-12 system?

    2nd who makes that Combat Shirt?

  2. D says:

    Developing innovative products is half of the equation. The other half is actually getting it to market. We’ve been seeing their new stuff at trade shows for 6-8 months. Will we ever see it for sale?

  3. straps says:

    @Reseremb: that’s also an ArmorWorks Combat Shirt. The underarm panels are made of Aramid (frag/flash protection).

    @D: yup, I know that pain–seeing something at a trade show booth that would suit a need you have for the deployment you’re gearing up for, only to see it released to market as you’re getting ready to come home. Unfortunately there’s finite R&D and production capacity, and the test users get a vote too (look at the MR Spartan they teased a ways back compared to what they’re preparing to put in production).

  4. Terry says:

    A 3 point harness on a belt kit? Seriously? Why not just use some Vietnam war spec ALICE gear?

    It’s not even stable on the dummy.

  5. Andrew says:

    Huh, it looks like the Rapid Assault Shirt that 5.11 makes

  6. Whokka says:

    Terry… Agreed, should be at least 4 point on harness or maybe 6 like the UK PLCE yoke. love the laser cut PALs though!!!!