Wilcox BOSS Xe

HALO Counter-Terrorism Summit to Provide Immersive Training with Scenarios Created by Strategic Operations

A Developing World Village Movie Set to be Constructed as a Realistic Environment for Counter-Terrorism, “Zombie Apocalypse” and Disaster Response Scenarios –

The HALO Corporation, a private security firm, and Strategic Operations, a provider of pre-deployment training to over 600,000 military personnel, today announced the details of the immersive Hyper-Realistic training scenarios that will take place at the upcoming HALO Counter-Terrorism Summit (Oct. 29-Nov. 2, San Diego).

According to Strategic Operations’ Executive Vice President Kit Lavell, “In a massive training effort that has rarely been conducted outside of military facilities, Strategic Operations will construct a developing world village on site at Paradise Point (aka ‘HALO Island’) utilizing Hollywood magic. As the backdrop for daily training scenarios, this parking lot-sized movie set will feature state-of-the-art structures, pyrotechnic battlefield effects, medical special effects, vehicles and blank-firing weapons.”

Utilizing the unique island setting, the HALO Counter-Terrorism Summit is designed from the ground up to simulate real-world scenarios where operators can apply information safely in a controlled environment, without real-world consequences. By partnering with Strategic Operations, the Summit is able to offer Hyper-Realistic training, which provides such a high degree of fidelity in the replication of battlefield conditions in a training environment that participants willingly suspend disbelief and become totally immersed in the training environment. The resulting “stress inoculation” effect for military and law enforcement personnel results in enhanced training and increased situational awareness in real world situations which hopefully will save lives. Conference attendees will be able to observe three different themed scenarios that will run twice daily (during daylight and at night).

Downed Pilot Rescue Scenario – Oct. 30
The first-day scenario will feature action in the village, and in the air above Mission Bay. A downed pilot is trapped in the village and an airborne quick reaction force (QRF) will parachute onto HALO Island (weather and other factors permitting) to attempt to extract the downed pilot while the opposition force fires rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and small arms fire at them. The quick reaction force fights off the opposition, fights its way into the village, locates and administers aid to the pilot, extracts him and egresses. The airborne QRF will be comprised of former Navy SEALs called the Elite Frogs.

Zombie Apocalypse Scenario – Oct. 31 (Halloween)
A VIP and his personal security detail (PSD) are trapped in a village surrounded by zombies. The VIP is in a building with his PSD, meeting with local officials. As the team begins to depart, a zombie-driven truck with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) enters the area and is engaged by the security detail, resulting in early detonation of the VBIED. The VIP is wounded and his team must move through town while taking small arms fire and RPGs from the enemy. An armored vehicle arrives to extract the VIP and his team under fire. Shooters and PSD personnel are trapped in a walled-in compound by zombies. A firefight ensues, killing zombies, many of which fall and get up, needing to be shot several times before dying for good. Two members of the PSD are bitten by zombies outside of the compound. Once all zombies are dead, shooters take personnel to a field medical facility for security, decontamination and medical attention.

Medical Civil Action Program (MEDCAP) Scenario – Nov. 1
A MEDCAP mission in a remote village comes under attack by drug criminals. A quick reaction force will subdue the criminals. Once the initial fire fight is over, the quick reaction force will then infiltrate into the village and subsequently secure the MEDCAP personnel and deal with the immediate aftermath of the attack, including casualties. Once the casualties have been stabilized, and the area is secured, the quick reaction will then extract the MEDCAP personnel out of the hostile area.

*All scenarios are subject to change.

There’s still time to register for the 2012 HALO Counter-Terrorism Summit. It is being held Oct 29 – Nov 2, 2012 at Paradise Point Resort in San Diego, California. You can register with EOY funds and use new year travel money to get there. For information or to register, call (619) 881-9125 ext. 3, email info@thehalocorp.com or visit www.TheHaloSummit.com.


6 Responses to “HALO Counter-Terrorism Summit to Provide Immersive Training with Scenarios Created by Strategic Operations”

  1. straps says:

    Subject to change in that humans are, indeed, more likely to rise from the dead than they are to see a “MedCAP” in the years to come.

    If I was attending this shindig at taxpayer expense I’d be concerned enough about the optics of this presentation to avoid the whole conference. GSA much?

    There are already more threats out there than funding to address them. The solution to competing priorities is NOT to trivialize the work we do with zombie drills, Halloween or not.

    Immersive, realistic training has come a long way, proven its value (when planned, executed and assessed properly) and has a long way to go. But there’s no way I’d put video of a zombie scenario in a trip report or facility improvement proposal.

    Yeah, I know. “Lighten up, Francis.”

  2. D says:

    I think the zombie reference was about the make-up/moulage, not a scenario.

  3. SGT Rock says:

    Why don’t they replace the zombie scenario w/an embassy under siege scenario, similar what happened in Benghazi, Libya? That sounds a little more realistic to me.

  4. BLACK says:

    It gets no more realistic than the training Strategic operations provides.
    Their staff is top notch IMHO.

  5. UKG says:

    UK MOD have been doing this for a few years. They use amputee actors, including Afghans, make up, special affects, etc in their own specially designed town