
Shrek Sighting – Afghanistan


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11 Responses to “Shrek Sighting – Afghanistan”

  1. Jd says:

    Cool pic. But why does he still censor his face now that he teaches open enrollment classes?

  2. johnny says:

    Thats very cool. I remember reading about such a weapon configured in an identical manner being used in the book “Kill Bin Laden.” lol

    • straps says:

      Um yeah. Go back through it and connect the dots. I’m thinking we’ll be seeing more and more of this as Somebodies with service-acquired skills and experience begin their second careers.

  3. Hardcore Cliff says:

    I’m really surprised that as a lefty he liked the G3/HK11E so much. Maybe he just never let it run dry, but I think they’re a pain to reload if you do because of the forward cocking handle placement.

  4. Haji says:

    With that photo, heads are exploding all over the internet as we speak. LOL!

  5. Duke says:

    “No way, dude. I’m Norwegian Civil Defense.”

  6. Reseremb says:

    What EOTech model is that?

  7. Rob Collins says:

    I’m confused, is that a G3 with a bolt/mag conversion to .223?