SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Sometimes It Takes Awhile For Things To Sink In

Quality attracts Quality

Conversely, crap attracts crap

7 Responses to “Sometimes It Takes Awhile For Things To Sink In”

  1. John Denny says:

    Maybe it’s because I’m old, but I’ve found this to be very true.

  2. Scott Clark says:

    Well, duh… 🙂

  3. Ben says:

    This is some kinda deep subliminal stuff…

  4. chris says:

    i see the subliminal — Quality is capitalized, while crap isnt? that’s no fair to crap.

  5. Ed says:

    And then there is “craptastic”, where crap attains its’ own unique quality:

  6. CJ says:

    There’s an adage in the technology world that applies here – As hire As. Bs hire Cs and Ds.