
One Shot Tactical Presents ‘Demo Day’

Canada’s One Shot Tactical invited Blue Force Britney and Larry Vickers up to their facility. The resulting video showcases “range-time” highlights, behind the scenes footage, as well as new products from Blue Force Gear such as the Rack-minus and the (VCAS) Vickers Combat Application Sling.

This video produced by LabZero Productions

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3 Responses to “One Shot Tactical Presents ‘Demo Day’”

  1. .308 says:

    nice video, but was anyone actually at this demo day?

  2. Juan Bravo says:

    ah yes… lots of mag changing in Canada, what is it like 5 rounds maximum law or something like that?

  3. OSTS says:

    We had about 60 people show up on day one of the demo and raised $250 for the Trenton MFRC with the BBQ.

    5 Rounds for rifle mags and 10 for pistol mags. We hope to get that changed soon!