
Sentinel: Become the Agent in Charge of Your Own Protection Detail

Pat McNamara retired after 22 years of Army service from the Army’s premier hostage rescue unit as a Sergeant Major and is also the author of T.A.P.S. (Tactical Application of Practical Shooting). He is a renowned tactical trainer, leading TMACS, Inc. His services are available through Alias Training & Security Services.


Anything can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Wouldn’t you rather know that you had done everything in your power to have prepared yourself for that moment when something goes wrong? None of us plan to fail, but we may fail to plan.

In Sentinel, author Patrick McNamara provides an instructional guide filled with survival techniques for the family. Drawing from his background as a special-operations agent for twenty-two years, McNamara discusses the importance of being the protector of the family and provides a host of techniques, strategies, and procedures to ensure safety. He offers simple steps for being better prepared for power blackouts, home invasions, and attacks on the street and more. From your home to your vehicle and beyond, McNamara discusses how to plan for contingencies.

Sentinel provides the information necessary to help you take charge of your own domain and be able to count on yourself to protect your own life and the lives of those close to you.

Available in Kindle or Paperback editions from

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3 Responses to “Sentinel: Become the Agent in Charge of Your Own Protection Detail”

  1. Edwin P. says:

    I just received my copy today. It should be good reading this weekend. Pat is solidly qualified to present this material.

  2. Trvs says:

    Ordered my copy today. Mac discussed the ideas/topics at TAPS this spring. Thanks SSD for the heads up.

  3. wyoming grunt says:

    Finished it today. Buy this book! It is badass101 and if you have trained with Pat you will hear his voice as you read it.