
Art in War, Afghanistan

It was filmed during the first half of Soldier and amateur film maker Sean Allen’s deployment to Wardak Province, Afghanistan. It’s a compilation of time-lapse photography put together to create a fast motion-like film. He made it show to another side of Afghanistan, one we don’t often have time to experience, one of serenity.

Courtesy of Sean Allen

9 Responses to “Art in War, Afghanistan”

  1. jruddusmc says:

    Beautifully done! Thanks for that, Sean

  2. BradKAF308 says:

    Well done. Timeless.

  3. AASLT says:

    Well done and think it was awesome to capture the Soldier images in between the landscapes. I know it was a tough deployment and great to observe the brotherhood.

  4. Sean says:

    Thanks for the comments! And thanks to Soldier Systems for posting this on their site!

  5. ja-cob wood says:

    homo. i love you.

  6. winn says:

    Thank you for this insight from grandparents of one of the fine soldiers in this video. And many thanks to all thesefine men and their heroic efforts.

  7. Katie says:

    And I am the the godmother of that fine soldier. I am so proud of you boys and pray every day for your safety and for the work you are doing there. Get home soon. We miss you.

  8. Glaspie says:

    Sean way to make Afghanistan seem not so gay. i love you buddy! haha

  9. Lady Appraiser says:

    Enjoyed the video. The nightsky is spectacular. You boys stay safe. Thank you so much for what you are doing for me and for my country. I pray for your safe return to us. God bless.