Protact by Haartz

China Exploits Newtown Tragedy to Soften Up US

Communist China’s national news organ Xinhua is calling for the US to swiftly enact sweeping firearms laws. Naturally, this will result in a much weaker America making us vulnerable to attack.

I’ve always wanted to post a propaganda piece.

But seriously, the Chinese want us to be just like them…No guns. How’s that free speech thing working out for you again China?

Check out this NY Times Blog post for some great background on how lunatics in other countries use knives, cleavers and hammers to conduct mass attacks.


15 Responses to “China Exploits Newtown Tragedy to Soften Up US”

  1. Chris says:

    This is what it looks like when only the state has guns.

    and why I’m not giving mine up.

  2. Rob G says:

    If China can successfully guilt and shame the US into disarming, it’ll make it just that much easier to invade us and finally take over.

    They already own all our debt so this would greatly help to get us ready to become their property.

  3. Chuck says:

    Let’s see, who has killed more children in the last 100 years…nutjob school shooters or CHINA.

    You can have your genocide and I’ll just cling to my guns, thank you very much.

  4. Doug E. Doug says:

    They only own about 9% of our debt – I’d find the numbers for it, but I’m lazy. It’s still sizable, but nothing to freak out about. They lose more if our economy crashes than we do. It’s similar to how Russia received 90% of its wheat from the U.S., and our economy depended on selling that wheat. Economic M.A.D. was a fear for us, as was starvation for them. It was a major reason why Russia never decided to go full retard and start a war; their country would’ve died off. Fun fact, it’s why Russia still to this day is trying to control the Caucasus region – it’s the only arable land nearby they can grow crops on that isn’t Europe.

    RE: Disarming. China wants to shame us into disarming, so that we look more like every other country. By ridiculing our domestic policy and painting us to look like hyper-violent reckless jackasses that thirst for oil guns and war, then they win another point for the culture war. It ultimately causes us to lose legitimacy and status on the international high politics scene.

    (I’m bored at work).

    • Chris says:

      but our economy never did “depend” on selling Russia wheat. the total wheat market in 2000 for the US was 5.8 Billion thats ten years after the end of USSR. Walmart is 80x that size.

  5. Matt says:

    Funny , may as the China will talk to the Tibet’s peoples and victims
    how they are concern about the Gun issues in US.

  6. reader says:

    A japanese officer in WW2 said he will not invade USA bcos there is a gun behind every blade of grass. China is trying to reduce the number of guns behind every blade of grass

  7. Jim says:

    Xinhua uses any opportunity to make the US (or any other developed nation) look bad. Basically it’s purpose is to “assure” the population that things are much better at home, and that the central government’s foreign policy of promoting state sovereignty and non-intervention are the best policies.

    I’m surprised they even bother translating anything given that no one takes them seriously. It’s ironic that Xinhua has a twitter feed, but twitter is banned in China – something not lost on much of the younger Chinese population…

  8. imn says:

    them chinese are hypocrites. they should clean themselves up first before judging others. even their one-child policy have killed more and it does not even involve flying bullets yet.

  9. Doc B says:

    It is because of well-intentioned gun laws that these kids were able to be selected and killed in the first place. “Safe Zone”, indeed. The weenies have had it their way, and yet more kids are dead behind their methodology, so stop it cold.

    Stop ignoring precedent like the University of Texas because it’s convenient for the anti side (You know,back when armed students and townsfolk suppressed Whitman so that the cops could get to him and do their thing), and go back to being a free country. During hunting season in high school, we used to show up at school with our rifles or bows in our cars and trucks and change into our cammies after last classes and go hunt. We weren’t old enough for sidearms, but this wasn’t a tiny podunk school, either. My class had about 1100 in it or so.

    Our principal and vice principal used to come out to the parking lot and ask kids what they were using that year, etc. We’d take them out and show them. My school was nowhere near a unique place.

  10. Gene says:

    never heard of a “hammer-massacre”… Guns belong to people who know how to use them!

    • Riceball says:

      But you just might if there’s an outright gun ban. It’s been statistically proven that gun control does little to nothing to prevent gun violence, murders and suicides, and crime in general. In fact, nations with the most private gun ownership have lower crime/murder rates than those with fewer guns and tighter gun control. In the US, since the sunsetting of the AWB the crime rate has gone down steadily over the years including violent crimes although there has been a bit of a spike in mass shootings.

  11. Reverend says:

    Two words to China:

    Bring it.