SureFire XC3

Who ISN’T Price Gouging?

Seems like everyone and his brother is price gouging for guns, ammo and magazines. So who ISN’T gouging customers? List the company and link in the comments section. If its a local joint put their name, city and tel number in the comments.

Don’t forget the links!

53 Responses to “Who ISN’T Price Gouging?”

  1. Christian says:

    Full Metal Jacket LLC in Alexandria Virginia is not price gouging, however prices have apparently changed because the suppliers are running dry. They are great guys to do business with at any rate and very fair.

  2. Andrew says:

    Bravo Company USA.
    SKD Tactical.

  3. TM says:

    Sportsman’s Warehouse. Pmags still $17.99. Colt 6920’s still $1099.99.

  4. adam says:

    Presley’s Outdoors in Bartonville IL has a few cases of .223 Federal 55 grain for $329.99. Just picked another 1k last night.

  5. Eric says:

    intense tactical

  6. micah says:

    Bought my Colts at the BX on Fairchild AFB. Pretty sure they are not allowed to change the prices. They sold as many guns yesterday as they did last week.

  7. Jesse says:

    The Range Pistol Club in Fresno Ca. is not adjusting any prices. Selling everything at MSRP.

  8. Jerrod says:

    Shotgun Sports & Outdoors in Anniston, AL. Friend of mine got a Smith & Wesson 15-22 Magpul edition for $519 last night.

  9. Doug E. Doug says:

    I’ll give some big-ups to my homeboys at DSG arms. They’re really trying to take care of folks, and are just as disgusted with the price gouging as the consumer base.

    I can, however, confirm that distributors have changed their prices. It’s entirely possible that the mark up from your stores haven’t changed, their prices have changed.

  10. boyscout says:

    Brownells. They didn’t gouge when the President was elected and they aren’t gouging now either. Although everything is out of stock…

    • Bussaca says:

      I understand that everyone and thier uncle is buying up as much as they can.. But i call shenanigans. a day after BHO’s speach Brownells, Midway, CTD, Tapco, and like 40 other places( i know real specific) had “Stripped lower recievers” out of stock. As far as i’m conserned they are couching them.. they know those $68 dollar recievers are going to be worth 10 times that in a week or so..

      My opinion.. nothing more.

  11. Tyler says:

    Legion Firearms and Daniel Defense.

  12. HWI says:

    Primary Arms and Outdoor Gear barn are good to go.

    • Rugrash says:

      Not us… We got about 200 PMags in today and they were gone in less than an hour at our regular price.

  13. matt says:

    High Speed Gear.

  14. Chris says:

    O P Tactical:

    30rd Pmags for $14.20, same low price as prior to last friday. Hurry they’re going fast.

  15. 2-BPM says:

    Lanco tactical llc
    498 w. hight street
    Elizabethtown pa
    Pmags 14.50 Troy mag 3-pack 42.95

  16. Bentley says:

    Mississippi Auto Arms. They’re good people.

  17. GSSGEAR says:

    We promise we will never price gouge! We will provide the same GSS service our customers have come to know us by!

  18. Alex says:

    On Target gun shop and in door shooting range in Valley Park, Missouri hasn’t change their prices. They were sold out of everything but .223 ammo on Sunday but were execpting more in mid week.

  19. technique says:

    Sawtooth Tactical, Garden City, Idaho

  20. bob says:

    Quantico Tactical in NoVa is still gtg.

    Their website is sold out of PMAGs, but last check they were still about $13 in the store.

  21. Alden says:

    Nordic components maintains pmag prices.

  22. Archie Card says:

    Alaska Tactical, Anchorage Alaska

    • RJ says:

      Their prices have always been absurd. Who in their right mind would pay their price for Magpul polymer when you can get it cheaper at that “one stop cop shop” on old seward? Or the internet? Just because they have the word “Tactical” in their name and their employees have tattoos, bad attitudes, and wear “tactical” pants doesn’t mean you are the only solution in the ANC area.

  23. Max says:

    Black Wolf Weapons and Training
    They are just as swamped as everyone else but if they have it in stock they won’t price gouge!!!

  24. scott says:

    Rainier Arms!!

    Keith’s Sporting Goods Gresham, OR

  25. John says: still has their standard prices, though they say they’re behind on filling orders.

  26. Doug E. Doug says:

    This list is officially my whitelist. Coincidentally, it’s almost every single one I patron, and none of the ones I don’t.

  27. Pete says:

    As of 18 DEC 12, USCAV’s prices are untouched. Windowless PMAGs are 12.99 prior to shipping.

  28. REIGN SS says: still has great low prices!!

    But appearently they are stocked out on most AR items!? lol

  29. KentuckyKevin says:

    PNW Arms looks like they are still selling below MSRP on their online store. CTD jacked up my shopping cart order from the other week!

  30. Alex says:

    Botach is not gouging and has Glock, Pmags, and Ruger BX-25 mags in stock. I am good on AK mags and shotgun ammo so I am going after Glock, AR and 10/22 mags.

  31. John says:

    +1 for OP Tactical, love these guys great store

  32. Trevor says: still has the same prices. Near as I can tell because they are shuttting down for Christmas. The price for a spam can of 7.62x54R is the same as when I last bought. This is their statement about the holidays. “Attention SGAmmo Customers – We will be closed December 22nd through December 31th for the Holidays. Please have all orders that you want shipped before the break submitted by noon on the 20th. At this time, and during the holiday break, we will be offering a limited section of products which will be sold by the factory full case only. We will resume a normal product line on January 1st.
    Thank you – SGAmmo Staff”
    They are a great company to do business with. They ship quickly and shipping is very reasonable.

  33. Ross says:

    Ed’s Gun Shop in NC

  34. Zak says:

    Finding 5.56 or .223 ammo in stock is a challenge in and of it self. Unless you want tracers or match grade bulk. Desperately searching for FMJ 55gr or 62gr.

  35. Hubb says:

    On Point Firearms in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Evan is honest and a good guy to deal with. He’s a big supporter of Mil, LEO & responsible civilians. I always get a good deal with him and he has sold some firearms for me and got me the best price possible.

  36. Reverend says:

    Classic Arms in North Carolina. They had a sale on Polish Parkerized AK mags if you buy more than 2, they’re $14.99

  37. Adam says:

    Best case scenario.. this whole mess will shed light on the true gun shop commando d-bags (you all know the kind I mean) and leave us with a clear understanding of who the honest retailers are.

    Best. Case. Scenario.

  38. Randy says:

    LaRue Tactical. M3 with window mags for $17/ $14 without window. $12 for M2 and DSG mags limit 5 per order. All are 30 rd capacity.

  39. Al Flaherty’s Outdoor Store is not gouging. I just picked up some 9mm.
    (416) 651-6436

  40. Brendan Smith says:

    Just bought some magazines (both Windham and PMAGs) at normal prices through the Windham Weaponry site. Shipped the day after I ordered, too.

  41. Clint B says:

    The Scottsdale Gun Club /SGCUSA had sales on M4’s still up until yesterday when they ran out. Good prices on other stuff though.

  42. Got some gear through Chase Tactical. Found them on Facebook

  43. Steve Berg says:

    Patriot Surplus is definitely not price gouging!

    Veteran Owned and Veteran Approved!

  44. Jake M. says:

    Harris Tactical
    BC USA
    Scottsdale Gun Club