SIG SAUER - Never Settle

SKD Asshole-Proofed PMAG Follow up

From SKD Tactical


SKD fans tore through 500 ASSHOLE-PROOFED PMAGS in a few hours and together we raised $12,500 to help protect FREEDOM. We wont know the breakdown for how much went to each organization until after all the invoices are counted (likely Tuesday), but just thought y’all should know that this is what happens when people who care put their money where there mouth is. Hopefully we’ll have more mags in before the nonsense hits full throttle. Till then, SOUND OFF IF YOU GOT IN ON THE ACTION 😉


7 Responses to “SKD Asshole-Proofed PMAG Follow up”

  1. cole says:

    LOL. We’re price gouging so that other people can’t price gouge, then giving the money away so we seem “holier than thou”.

  2. 40MikeMike says:

    What a douche.

  3. Dave says:

    I thought this was a great idea. However I missed out.

  4. Tom says:

    I second the douche.

  5. Austin says:

    Well, while this may be well enough intentioned, this leaves folks who can’t quite fork out $300 to $400 on their combat load of magazines deploying with good ole’ issue mags. As someone who put off buying PMAGs until I had deployment orders IN HAND, I am more than a little bothered by this. I love SKD Tactical, and I won’t be dissuaded from giving them my patronage in the future, but like all things it has its unintended consequences. I just felt like I ought to bring this to light.

    • SSD says:

      Austin, good luck finding magazines at the old “normal” price. It’s just not happening. As a military retiree and former NCO I’m going to remind you of a long held truth; Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. Your failure to plan is your tragedy alone.