RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Happy Christmas Giveaway – From SSD and Hot Shots Calendar

Last month, SSD infiltrated an agent into the Hot Shots 2013 Calendar Launch (you’ll get to read all about it tomorrow) with the specific task of liberating a signed 2013 limited edition SSD version of the calendar as a prize for a lucky SSD reader. Here it is.

Our man in Manchester stood in line clutching the calendar. Once he made it to the head of the line (and was able to untie his tongue to ask for their help) he secured the signatures of all six calendar models. This year’s Hot Shots calendar is inspired by pinups of the 40s and 50s and they’ve done a bang up job on the bawdy playing cards as well (see the sampling below). And, as always, 50% of proceeds go to military charities.

Grand Prize is the signed limited edition SSD version of the Hot Shots 2013 calendar along with a deck of playing cards.

Eight second prize winners will receive an unsigned copy of the limited edition SSD version of the Hot Shots 2013 calendar along with a deck of playing cards.

To enter for your chance to win:

In the comments section of THIS article on SSD (and nowhere else) tell us your favorite Christmas present. Remember, post in comments section of THIS article on SSD.

Contest continues through the rest of this Christmas Eve on through Christmas Day and ends at 2359Z on Boxing Day 26 December, 2012.

Use any nom de guerre you desire but use your real email address as we will use it to contact the winners to request your shipping address.

Unclaimed prizes will be redistributed.

Void Where prohibited.

Good luck and Happy Christmas from SSD!

It’s not too late to order your 2013 Hot Shots Calendar, the playing cards, or badges. Just visit Purchase calendars at www.hotshotscalendar.com to support Hot Shots and their charities, Help for Heroes and the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Remember, 50% of proceeds go to these charities. Big thanks to the folks behind Hot Shots – Edgar Brothers, Smith Optics Elite Division, Daniel Defense, Independent Studio Services, Crye Precision, and Magpul Industries.

Follow Hot Shots on Facebook – www.facebook.com/hotshotscalendar

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131 Responses to “Happy Christmas Giveaway – From SSD and Hot Shots Calendar”

  1. Just some guy says:

    Favorite present?

    My son. Born 18DEC08

    Best thing to ever happen to me…

  2. Brian Willis says:

    My favorite Christmas present is a Comp-Tac CTACK for a Glock 17 with TLR 1. Just the ticket for discrete carry in non-permissive environments.

  3. craig says:

    I would have to say its a tie between the cast iron Dutch oven and the winter hat my girlfriend knit my this year for me to stay warm with when I go to Afghanistan soon.

  4. B_A says:

    Had a stupid idea for a camo, and two guys were so kind to really get creative on this matter. You know who you are! πŸ™‚

  5. Bill H says:

    Winchester 94 in 1975 from my father. It was a surprize to me and my mother who did all the Christmas shopping.

  6. Jorge says:

    My father gave me a Browning SA22 on Christmas Day when I was twelve.
    I had been smarting off about wanting a compass on Christmas eve and my dad was convinced that I didn’t even know how to use one. So, on Christmas morning there was a note on the tree with a bearing and distance and a compass….there were about thirty waypoints that I had to navigate to, half of them outside in the snow. The last waypoint was under my bed where I found the Browning box. I’ll keep that rifle forever..

  7. John Parr says:

    My first rifle, Aa Crossman BB Scout when I was about 7 or 8 years old.

  8. brad says:

    My brother home from AFG

  9. Josh says:

    I’d have to go with Christmas day with my fam-squad. That and the kids got a Wii-U this year. A win for all of us…

  10. This year we have to be austere.

    My favourite Christmas present is the mug from my wife so I can drink hot my early coffee in the office. It’s my favourite present just because it comes from my wife who I love.

  11. Greg says:

    My favorite gift was being able to spend the time with my kids. Next year I’ll be deployed. The second best gift was an awesome Spartan Village holster for the 1911

  12. Jay says:

    You know, as I think about it, I can’t recall one single present that stands out. What I remember most about each Christmas is being with family and friends, and seeing the smiles on the faces of my parents and brother as they opened presents from me. Now that I have my own family, Seeing my kids laugh and smile and send ripped wrapping paper flying all over the place is the best gift to me. It is the people I’m lucky enough to be able to be with, not the presents themselves that mean the most to me.

  13. Tom says:

    Just being home with my family and new grandson. Uncle Sam has had me missing too many birthdays and anniversaries (I know I’m not alone in that regard). Being home for the Holidays is always the best gift.

  14. Lew says:

    Just time.
    Time with my friends who reenlisted and are just back from Afghan.
    Time with my parents who arn’t getting any younger.
    Time to be alone and alive.

  15. HMFIC says:

    a custom Saiga 12 – Has NO IDEA I was getting that! Came with Drum too, that may unfortunately be next to impossible to buy. My next favorite would be Hot Shot Calendar that I hope I win πŸ˜‰

  16. Cheese says:

    Downrange so just hoping for some good chow and a slow day.

  17. Alec says:

    Early Christmas present, plane tickets to visit my family.

  18. Chuck C says:

    A Cobra Hiss tank….

  19. James says:

    My first rifle (just a few years ago πŸ˜‰ ). Luckily I didn’t shot my eye out.

  20. Bryan says:

    Probably my N64 back in the day with Ocarina of Time! Was an awesome Christmas!

  21. Rick says:

    Has to be my first weapon, crossman BB gun when I was 6.

  22. Tim L. says:

    My favorite Christmas present was getting to go home on leave for Christmas for the first time in 15 years and going skydiving with my dad on Christmas Eve.

  23. levi says:

    leave from iraq, then a few years later from afghan

  24. Eric says:

    My best present has come each year, watching the joy and glee in the faces of my three sons Christmas morning and having the good fortune to be home with them and my wife. Too many friends miss that chance and I missed more then a few with my folks back in the day. Okay, that may not meet the parameters for the drawing, but no matter, it’s IS the best gift…time with family.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, especially to all of you far from your families and home. Stay safe

    Thanks SSD for another great year of information and insight. Cheers!

  25. randallbpink says:

    it’s my baby girl’s first Christmas!

  26. Mike says:

    Hot tea in some guys house on a foot patrol in Iraq.

  27. Chris says:

    Probably my first brand new bicycle when I was a young kid. It had pedal brakes and hand brakes. I felt like a boss with it! My how times change.

  28. MTN Medic says:

    My best Christmas present was getting home from a deployment 2 weeks before Christmas. Being able to be part of decorating the tree with my kids and getting up early for something other than a patrol !

  29. Being home and seeing the family was a great gift but the Winchester 94 from 1907 along with the other guns didn’t hurt.

  30. H Morrow says:

    I did not have much of a Christmas this year, seeing that I am forward deployed in Afghanistan, so it is the little things you take for granted that you realize just how important they are. The best gift I had this year was the opportunity to Skype with my wife and 2 boys so I could still be part of their Christmas this year and watch them open presents. I can’t wait to hold them all again. Merry Christmas SSD!!!

  31. Randy says:

    The best present i ever got was when i was 14 and my parents got me my first competitive shifter go-kart. It gave me something to keep me on the right track through high school and taught me alot of life lessons. I hope i can give my future kids something that cool someday.

  32. WS says:

    That’s easy I got a Daniel Defense M4 v5! I had that Christmas Story moment…

  33. Jud says:

    1) Having all of my Soldiers return safely from their patrols
    2) The privilege of serving Christmas dinner to Soldiers on our FOB and say “thank you” for their service and sacrifice
    3) The love and support of my family though we’re apart for another Christmas.

    Merry Christmas to all and blessings upon those in harms way and those who wait patiently for their return.

  34. Michael says:

    Best Christmas present…definitely my Arcteryx drac jacket!

  35. majrod says:

    My deployment to Iraq was pushed back a couple of days one year and I was able to spend Christmas with family.

  36. Joe says:

    The best present I ever got? My wife saying ‘Yes’ when I asked her to marry me!

  37. Norton says:

    Swiss Army knife, from that day I have been a gear junkie!

  38. CPTP says:

    Best christmas present? Well, this year I am on my 4th deployment. I was able to work the schedule so that all my men would be inside the wire (relatively safe), AND my wife is 8 weeks pregnant (I’ve been deployed 6 weeks: I’ve already heard all the oh’ snap comments, thanks). So though I am away I consider those gifts to be precious.

  39. John W says:

    When my dad was in the Navy, he received a gift from an Air Force command on the same base as us (overseas). The gift was the gun barrel of an F-15 Eagle. I walked into his office one time and thought it was awesome. Several months later in the fall (when we were about to move), I asked out of curiosity what had ever happened to it. He said that he had given it to the other people in his office that were part of his command. I mentioned again how it was really cool. I don’t think I’ve ever been more surprised when I walked downstairs Christmas morning and it was sitting there. He had gone back to the office and picked it up as a present for me. Its still my most prized possession, especially since the plague on the stand is dedicated to him. Plus, not many people can say they have the gun barrel of an F-15 fighter in their bedroom…

  40. Ipkiss says:

    My best present would be if both my wife and I don’t get called today.
    She’s on 30min standby as an operating assistant and I’m on a 6hr notice to move for our Army’s disaster assistance. So just having this day with my wife & kids is just fine for me.Wishing you all a merry christmas and stay safe, wherever you are!

  41. JG says:

    Best Christmas present was being home with my two girls, my wife and daughter. It is a rarer gift than most people would imagine.

  42. RB says:

    Back in the day it was my Red Rider BB gun with a compass in the stock. Hope to pass it on to my son and enjoy the movie to go with it.

    This year, Skype. Makes being deployed a little easier. Got to watch the family open presents earlier and be part of the fun.

  43. Flim says:

    My family doesn’t really do Christmas presents but I do cherish the time spent together enjoying each other’s company.

  44. Erik says:

    Best present ever? Deployment getting moved to the right a couple months( and shortened, suckas).

  45. Tremis says:

    My kids, of course. But I’d dig a new signed calendar, I could call that the runner up. πŸ™‚

  46. Reseremb says:

    Being single and without kids yesterday I had the privilege of playing the role of Santa for the little ones of some buddies, giving them a much needed rest from their last deployment. Nothing like rappeling with a fake belly!

  47. Lasse says:

    I remember getting a Super Nintendo in 92 or 93. I was 4 or 5 at the time, so it has surely made an impact.

    Lately, I’ve just been happy to be back home with my entire family (with no-one passing away for the last 10 years) and eating tons of good food and drinking good beer.

  48. Exploriment says:

    This year: a merino wool Buff

    Ever: Coming to Canada 36 years ago.

  49. Captain Smoof says:

    Arcteryx Naga Hoody in wolf grey!!! What a garment. Proudly Canadian designed too. The integrated hood is nifty, but the wife tells me I look like a walking condom…

    Happy Christmas to all!

  50. Zeroman says:

    Best Christmas present ever for a “city boy”, first rifle…..Crossman 760 Pump Master .177. “You’ll put your eye out!”