
Something MultiCam This Way Comes

Local Motors will be displaying a Ralley Fighter dipped in MultiCam goodness at this year’s SHOT Show. See how it made its transformation and be sure to check out the finished product at the show.







5 Responses to “Something MultiCam This Way Comes”

  1. Dave the Rave says:

    That car looks AWESOME!

  2. Reseremb says:

    It is their second Rally Fighter or they dipped in Multicam their first one?

    • Giovani says:

      We have about 50 Rally Fighters on the road right now-this one is number 43 or so. We wrapped it in Multicam Vinyl, which is going to be offered on the market soon.

  3. Lee says:

    I need some of that Multicam for my BMW R1200GSA I just want enough to do the bikes beak and the side panels (just about the seat the small metal panels just beofre that 44ltr fuel tank) as that would look the dogs b*ll*cks.

    Mmmmm Multicam