TYR Tactical

SHOT Show – Crye Precision Fundraiser Shirt 2013

Each year Crye Precision sells a shirt during SHOT Show to raise money for military charities. This is 2013’s design. I’d say it speaks for itself.





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79 Responses to “SHOT Show – Crye Precision Fundraiser Shirt 2013”

  1. Johnny says:

    I really hope Cyre will offer this T-shirt on their website. I would buy many for me and my friends.

  2. Todd Camper says:

    I must have that shirt . I’m surprised it doesn’t have a lever action and some other iconic American items like a 1911 & a fleshlight etc .

  3. veteran says:

    So, when are they gonna make it part of their line….

  4. Cpt LongShlong says:

    I’d buy this. Please make it available.

  5. majrod says:


    Surprised considering Crye is out of Brooklyn NY. I could see backlash disguised as sequestration cuts…

    Good luck Crye.

    • straps says:

      If Crye provided a commodity (thousands of crap Plate Carriers a la KDH) that could be a risk.

      As it is, meat eaters come to Crye for new thinking on clothing, carriage and protection.

      My .02.

  6. Mr. European says:

    “Freedom was awesome 1776-2008”
    For some reason I don’t think 2008 is an arbitrary cutoff date :/ …
    If they’re really going down that road, 2001 would be a more accurate end-year.

    “ZOMG, we elected Obama and now we’re a dictatorship!”
    Please, that’s an overly childish attitude. You live in a democracy and he was voted into office (as was Bush on his second term, though I can’t imagine why). Tough break if your candidate didn’t get into office, but that doesn’t mean your country has been usurped. Except for the 2000 elections, where your supreme court assigned Bush as the winner.

    And “freedom invented everything” and only providing a small sample?
    And not all of those things were invented, or even popularized in America. Hate to burst bubbles, but that’s how it is.
    Helicopter? European tests and research since 1907, and the word itself was coined by a frenchman in 1861.
    America was the first to get a working TV system in 1927, but research had been going on in Europe since the 1890s.
    Radio is debatable, as there’s still disagreement about the inventor being Tesla or Marconi, or one of the many others who worked in the field at the time.
    First steam motorcycle was built in France 1868, with first mass production of a motorcycle in Germany 1894.
    Just to clarify, with rocket they mean liquid-fueled rocket, right?
    Airbags invented in germany 1951, but patented three months after an american patent in 1953.
    Integrated circuits is another thing thought of in Europe, but america made to work. Europe thought of precursors in 1949, a british radar engineer lectured about it in 1952, was finalized and patented by Kilby in 1959 in America.
    Sony and Philips both arrived at the optical disk. Philips started the project in 1974 in the Netherlands, Sony first demonstrated it in 1976.

    • Batman says:

      We actually live in a republic, so nice try.

      • PbLead says:

        I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with LIBERTY and justice for ALL.

        Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution states: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion . . .

        Founding fathers feared a democracy as much as a monarchy, because in a democracy 49% of the people are slaves to the will of the 51%.

      • Mark says:

        What Batman said.

        We have a fucking mob rule right now- but it has already started to re-focus itself.

      • Mr. European says:

        A republic is a representative democracy. And I knew some “patriot” would go for that angle.
        I use the common blanket term for democracy as public parlance, not any specific subset of it. If I did I’d put a modifier in front of the word, such as direct democracy or consensus democracy.
        Or would you like to go back to a system where only 6% of the american population is eligible to vote, i.e. those who own a lot of stuff?

    • Andrew says:


      Even though the American flag may imply they credit the US with those inventions, it says FREEDOM invented those things. I don’t think Freedom is exclusive to the US, is it?

      • Fernando says:

        Don’t be silly, it has an AMERICAN flag, the dates 1776 (AMERICAN revolutionary war) and 2008 (year AMERICANS elected their current president). And the nitpick about it being a democracy or a republic is also stupid. What Mr. European point is, is that when the system (whatever it is) puts your candidate in office, it is the best system in the world and when it doesn’t, then the country has been kidnapped by the enemy. That attitude is childish at best. How about the Republicans got their act together and produced a candidate that could actually get into office?

      • Mr. European says:

        You’d be one of the few americans with that opinion. Don’t worry, it only means you’re sane 🙂

    • Steve says:

      So what you’re saying is Europeans come up with good ideas, but are incapable of making anything productive of them? Yeah, that sounds about right.

      • Pete says:

        If by you mean patenting others’ designs, then yes.

        Since Crye played a little fast and loose with their facts:

        Motorcycle- Gottlieb Daimler (German)
        Lightbulb – Humphry Davy (UK)
        Movie Camera – Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince (France/UK)
        Television – John Logie Baird (Scottland)
        Sunglasses – Chinesese/Italy
        Helicopter – Paul Cornu (France)
        Airbag – Walter Linderer (German)
        CD – Philips/Sony (Netherland, Japan)
        Computer – Charles Babbage (UK)
        Internet – Sir Timothy John “Tim” Berners-Lee (UK)
        Cat Scan – Sir Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield/Allan McLeod Cormack (UK, South Africa)

        Also this should say 1776-2001, since that’s when we chucked out civili liberties for the sake of ‘safety” such as the patriot act.

      • Mr. European says:

        More like americans are more adept at exploiting (not in the negative sense) those discoveries.
        Patenting and marketing.

    • mr bean says:

      Really tired of European commentary on American events. From everything to guns, politics, and economy. Yeah, Europe’s doing great in those, they really should be dictating to us how things should go.

      Go carry your “European carry all” aka purse and mind your own business.

      Assuming the point of the shirt is Obama is bad, this doesn’t seem like a good move for Crye considering their products are being used by the government.

    • Gator says:

      It kinda sounds like you won’t be looking to buy the shirt. I guess that means there’s going to be an extra one for those of us who understand. Get it out there Crye, it’s going to be worn with pride.

  7. Young Vet says:

    The shirt fails to mention the killing of Bin Laden. Oh wait, that was in 2011. God bless freedom. It still prevails.

    • Chris K. says:

      Yeah thank f&ck Obama killed him himself, right? Wait what?!

    • veteran says:

      That does not make up for all the encroachments and active erosion upon MY liberties Slappy has continually supported and forced into legislation. Make no mistake, his true colors are coming to light and will continue to come out through this second term. Dictators come in all shapes, sizes and colors… Make no mistake, he is no friend of Freedom

      • Young Man says:

        @ veteran would you mind giving me some explicit examples of how your life has actually been altered in a significant way?

        i really don’t see it. and don’t be another guy to pull the “he’s got the wool over your eyes, he is the next hitler.” that argument is crap and has no tangible foundations in my mind.

      • Ash says:

        And SHOT show has SUCKED since 2009 (the one right after the Magical Black Man took office)… NO innovation in firearms/hardware in the past 4 years! OH NOES!!!! Where did the innovation go?!!??!? Scawy Obawma made everyone stop thinking for themselves =[
        No one holds power over me. I wasn’t afraid when ol’ #43 suspended Habeas Corpus and ramped up domestic spying, I’m not gonna’ be afraid of a faux-Socialist who is just as human as the rest of us.
        People don’t take your power… YOU GIVE IT UP. Remember, Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to the Dark Side.

      • Ash says:

        Yes, please… Examples.

  8. Vince G says:

    Hitler was voted into office too. Mr European must not be happy with the offering because, as we all know, Brits are not free. Don’t hate. Enjoy the show and pick up one of these shirts. Support your troops. Well, at least the ones here in good ol’ Merica! On a side note, I’m rooting for Crye in the race.

    • Young Man says:

      yeah he was also voted in after a period of time where the rest of the world brought Germany to its knees and then some… need i remind you that that was a time period where we had just left absolutism in terms of governmental tendencies for many of the nations/empires in Europe and the rest of the world. to draw the parallel that we are moving into a second era of hitler is really quite laughable.

    • JES says:

      Hitler was NOT voted into office. He lost his 1932 election, and was given the Chancellor position by the winner, Hindenburg, because his party was so popular (just not enough to get him elected). He managed to bully all sorts of concessions from Hindenburg that gave “his administration” more power over the next year or so, and when Hindenburg died, he stepped up and took over.

      But I do agree that Europeans can keep their govt and systems to themselves. American culture is different, warts and all, and European sensibilities don’t work with us. Or didn’t, ’til the Progs started consolidating their position.

  9. m5 says:

    You don’t have much trust in the US Constitution, do you? Or western democracy in general, for that matter? FYI, Obama was elected into office by US citizens in free and democratic elections. Western democracy *is* freedom.

    The fact that you can sell and buy that T-shirt should give a clue that you have the freedom to criticize the government. Never mind that you can have a shot show. In places, where people actually do lack freedom, there is no freedom to do these kind of things. Try this in China – where much of the crap in the small pics comes from these days, btw – and you’ll be in big trouble.

    • Walter says:

      He was elected by the uninformed as can be confirmed by the slew of democrats wondering what happened to their paycheck recently. They were too dumb to know what they voted for and the amount of fraud used by the democrats was staggering and ignored by the media. I have full trust in the Constitution but when the president himself moves to attack that Constitution that is when the people and Congress must step up.

      • Mr. European says:

        In that regard what’s your opinion on the supreme court-appointed victor of the 2000 elections?

    • veteran says:

      Did you hear Slappy’s proclamation this morning?! IF so, then you are an ignorant fool in thinking that these businesses will be able to continue to run under what the administration has lined up for them.
      Yes, you are correct that black vans are not out front of them actively closing down business directly. They are going to end the ability for these businesses to continue civilian market trade though and that will end all these upstarts which have been fueled by the war fighters much of the time on their own dime as most of their sales are not through govt contracts. Yes this is capitalism but it is being manipulated and prevented from functioning as a free market by those who wish to usurp the constitution and the restrictions on govt which it is designed to address.
      The constitution is a document to regulate the govt, not the people but that is not what the “elitist hypocrites” in D.C. want us hear…

  10. Dave the Rave says:

    Mr. European, as a Florida citizen, I was in Florida during the 2000 presidential voting. It was staggering to read and see the local news of what was really happening and then the see the national news coverage; the two coverages couldn’t have been any more different. The local news was forced to be accurate because we locals knew what was going on; the national news was reporting lies and knew they could get away with it. As a person who was there, and as a person who cares that history is passed down truthfully, here’s what happened:

    *In Florida, like most states, vote counting is handled at the county level and then the counties report their tallies up the state level. Also like most states, Florida’s constitution says that all counties must use the same method for counting votes and, when a statewide ballot is counted, all the counties must participate.
    *After the initial vote count in Florida, candidate Bush had a slight lead. Gore asked for a recount and Governor Jeb Bush agreed. So they did a recount.
    *After the first recount, candidate Bush still had a lead. So Gore asked for another recount, and Governor Jeb Bush agreed again. So they did a second recount (including the initial, this would be the third time counting the votes).
    *After the second recount, candidate Bush still had a lead.
    *The deadline for Florida to report the winner was approaching. Knowing he was running out of time and willing to win at any cost, Gore asked to count only select counties (counties that usually vote democrat, of course). His request was a direct violation of the Florida constitution (see above). Governor Jeb Bush denied Gore this request because it violated the state constitution. This is where it got ugly. Instead of wanting to count all the votes, like the constitution required, Gore was cherry-picking his favorite counties only to be recounted.
    *Despite the explicit rules of the state constitution and the order of the governor, county administrators from the counties that usually vote democrat started hand-counting their votes. This went on for days as candidate Bush was trying to stop it because it was against the rules.
    *In an effort to stop the illegal cherry-picking of votes being recounted, candidate Bush took up the issue with the Florida Supreme Court. The Florida Supreme Court had been stacked by the previous governor (a democrat); after he was done approximately 7 out of 9 of the justices were democrat. The Florida Supreme Court said that the partial vote counting could continue because it was important “that the people’s will be done”. Instead of upholding the state constitution as they had sworn, the state court tried to override the constitution in support of their fellow democrat candidate. THAT is when candidate Bush took the issue to the US Supreme Court.
    *The US Supreme Court (at the time 5 republican and 4 democrat) agreed 7-2 that the partial vote counting (the 3rd recount) violated the Florida constitution and had to stop immediately. After the challenge at the US Supreme Court, Gore ran out of time to try other things and finally admitted defeat.
    *The US Supreme Court did not select candidate Bush. They only said that the partial recounting (the 3rd recount attempt) by Gore violated the state’s constitution, which it did.
    *THAT is what happened. Mr. European, I encourage you to share this history with your friends the next time you’re all talking about it.

  11. Aaron says:

    Should say 2012 really, because shit just got reel at the end of it.

  12. IvyMikeCafe says:

    That shirt kicks ass. Wish I was at SHOT to grab one.

    As for our European brothers’ comments, what we lament is that 2008 marked the coming to fruition of one of your continental compatriot’s predictions:

    The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.
    -Alexis de Tocqueville

  13. SegregationNow! says:

    Love how the interwebs are full of folks able to point out everything that’s wrong with someone else, but I can’t recall a time that I’ve seen someone actually have their mind changed by a forum posting…

    I have an idea: let’s do everything we can to point out the differences in others and blame everything that’s wrong in our lives on the Other Guy. This way we won’t have any time to actually accomplish anything or self-reflect on the things we need to do better; if I can lay all my problems on someone who Looks/Believes/Votes/Prays/Smells differently than I do, then I never have to look at the fact that I need to get my own s#!t in line first.

    Seriously, once you stop letting someone (in this case, The Magical Black Man) have power over you, you can start taking care of your own backyard. Free your mind, and your a$$ will follow.

    I’m going outside to see if I can be arrested for criticizing the guv’ment, talking to a woman, or for believing in a non-State-sanctioned religion. After all, if Freedom has been dead for more than 4 years, I should be picked up by the Gestapo any second.

    • Jay The Fillet says:

      We’re now living in a peaceful slavery. Being governed, not by ourselves(they way it was framed and meant to be), but by a government that wants to tell you what you should do with your life because “they know better”. WE”RE suppose to tell our reps what we want and have, instead of our representatives telling us what THEY think we should have

      Thomas Jefferson said it best, “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery”.

      • Ash says:

        Government doesn’t tell people how to live their lives; PEOPLE tell people how to live their lives. We’ve been living in peaceful slavery since the first television was turned on over 50 years ago.
        Turn off your TV for a month, and I guarantee your anxiety level will go down… You’ll also have more free time to actually DO things that matter. And I bet the circus in DC will start paying attention to us more when we watch them (via the biased boob-tube) less.

    • veteran says:

      you sir are a hypocrite….

  14. RJ says:

    Must. Have. This. Shirt.

  15. Trajan says:

    I have not bought a shirt with printing on it in years, but I will buy a few of these.

    I agree with the 2012 comment. It’s been bad the last four years, but it just got crazy.

  16. Big Red One - Ramadi says:

    I fear our freedoms began to diminish prior to 2008 with slowly chipping away; although 2008 may be most paramount so far.

    I loved freedom, this sucks

    Nice shirt.

  17. Captain Smoof says:

    It’s a pretty cynical shirt. As a dual citizen, registered voter and member of an armed force, I think this overstates the case.

    You may not like the president, but I assure you he’s not the pinnacle of evil. I fear more the thinly veiled racism parading as serious political commentary or fringe elements on both sides desperately adhering to their supposed righteousness even when it flies in the face of reasonable policy and common sense.

    America used to meet in the middle. Now we have elements on both ends of spectrum so utterly convinced of the moral superiority of their chosen path that no one is able to make hard decisions (i.e. compromise) for the greater good. 300+ million people! EVERYONE will have to sacrifice something.

    Finally, I’m tired of this “uninformed masses” argument. It’s a label assigned by people whose world view failed to win an election. Having travelled through 46 states and lived in many, to believe that right now there are only “uninformed voters” on the left is asinine. Both sides have their nutjobs and both sides have educated, erudite, serious citizens who are are able to debate openly, politely and constructively to improve our great nation. What needs to be avoided, in my humble opinion, are knee jerk reactions to that which may be different or to things you disagree with. It’s easy to name call and dismiss what you don’t like. It takes real honesty and integrity to approach these things with an open mind. I feel like too many people are looking at the proverbial “pie” and thinking ‘How can I carve myself the biggest slice?’, instead of looking to expand the pie for everyone so we can all have a piece (maybe a tired analogy, but I believe it to be an effective one nonetheless).

    • Ash says:

      Thank you; I appreciate your observations and think you hit on an important point.

      • Chris K. says:

        This is America, land of opportunity and the pursuit of happiness. You want pie? Go make some and don’t expect others to do the work for you. Most everyone reading this understands what selfless service entails. We have sacrificed for others willingly, and what we will not stand for is being forced to give up things (like our constitutional freedoms) for others who prefer the easy wrong over the hard right.

  18. walter shumate says:

    Crye should move to a free State. American Democracy (currently)? Having to do whatever 51% of the control freaks in your country have decided is right for you. I’ll go wherever I can be left the most alone by ALL badges, suits, do-gooders and society perfection attemts in the form of law.

  19. Will says:

    The shirt is awesome, but I do agree that “Freedom” may not be totally accurate. I think “Liberty” is more accurate.

    The most recent elections across the country signaled a sea change in the United States. The United States went from a country of hard working, independent, responsible citizens, to a territory where the majority of people have no loyalty to the United States, and have their hands out. The Federal Government, as well as many state governments are promoting the idea that the Government is here to provide for you. He is also demonizing success, and promoting class welfare. If he had any economic experience he would be focusing on growing the economy instead of raising taxes, and spending the country into oblivion.

    In California it is actually better to be on welfare then it is to work. (If I quit me job I’d receive almost $800 a month for food. In addition to several hundred dollars in CASH that is loaded onto a debit card that can be accesed anywhere, even liquor stores, and casinos) Barry is using the power of the Federal Government to promote the idea as well. Just look at his policies towards illegal immigration. God help us when he starts issuing executive orders to usurp Congress and the people on firearms.

    I take offense to anyone that says this is racial. I fear his policies since he does not seem to have the first idea what made the United States a great country. Furthermore, he has no record of any accomplishments. He is simply an empty suit, who can speak well. His actions and words prove that he feels the people here to serve and provide for the Government. He also belives the people are great because of the Government, when in fact, the American people were great inspite of the Government.

    • Ash says:

      “I take offense to anyone that says this is racial”

      In my humble opinion, taking offense at something is usually an indicator that there’s some truth to it. If I call you a lazy man-baby who can’t get off his parent’s couch, it probably won’t truly offend you because it’s not at all true… If I say something that rankles you, consider that you, like every other human being, can get defensive when something hits close to home.

      • veteran says:

        This is an asinine statement. I think Slappy is an incompetent, greedy, power hungry politician working for dangerous people behind closed doors.

        Its only coincidental that he happens to be a black man. If he was white, red, green whatever I would still be ripping him a new asshole!!!

      • veteran says:

        In other words, “Go piss up a rope!”

  20. Brenda says:

    If this is added to line, I definitely want several.

  21. EGS says:

    f*ck you, politi-clowns. i want the shirt. i like it. i want to wear it.

  22. Displaced Patriot says:

    This shirt could not be in worst taste!

    Since when did racism = patriotism?

    One could argue it’s based on policy, but the Obama administration has followed suit with the Bush administration on every aspect except for healthcare. In many cases, expanded on Bush policy.

    Most disgusting is selling racism to give to military charities…these people would piss on the flag if they could make a buck off it.

    Shame on Crye…

    • Joe says:

      This shirt, IN NO WAY, promotes racism. This shirt is about the government’s policies that have impeded on the rights, liberties of the citizens of the United States. More specifically, it is about how this current administration’s policies have impeded on the rights and liberties of the citizens. I, myself, am a citizen of the United States, more specifically a minority citizen of the United States. Hearing people like you screaming “racism” here and there when people critique this administration just because this administration coincidentally have a non-white Commander in Chief is truly a shameful display of what this country is becoming. If a white Commander in Chief push through their policies and agenda the way the current administration’s policies have been pushed through and people are criticizing and critiquing their actions, no one would scream “racism.” In fact, they’d probably still criticize for the same reasons; their liberties are being treaded upon.

      Racism as defined by the world renowned Merriam-Webster dictionary: “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”

      This shirt does not promote racism in even the slightest bit. If you still believe this shirt promotes racism, then you yourself are promoting racism by bringing racial issues to something that has nothing to do with race since the very beginning. This is how racism still exist today (besides the fact that there are still cases of actual racism like from the Neo-Nazi’s), it’s because of people like you that keeps relating anything to racial issues even if it does not.

  23. checkmate6 says:

    This shirt kicks ass…so I must be a racist or at least thats what the Liberal agenda would have me think.

  24. Matt7184 says:

    PLEASE make this shirt available to us all!

  25. TM says:

    Sort of surprised that a company in the running for a huge .gov contract would make these.

  26. Carlos says:

    I sent an email to sales@cryeprecision.com requesting that they make it available on their site.

  27. Matty says:

    @TM. If nothing else SOCOM still loves Caleb Crye something fierce. Plus he’s got contracts all over the world now so Crye isn’t hurting for money at all.

  28. Curtis says:

    Subtle. If Crye doesn’t think we’re free anymore, why don’t they just give up all their government contracts and move to a free country somewhere?

  29. sar says:

    …. what the f##k guys …. if I wanted to read about politics I’d go to a youtube comment section!

  30. R says:

    Do they have plans to make T-shirts for Native Americans? How about African-Americans, with the dates properly adjusted, of course…

  31. 2-BPM says:

    2013:European union is screwed, America is screwed, there is more talk then action, and all those inventiors featured on the shirt REGARDLESS of nationality had more freedom them than now. It’s funny how the more we have “progressed” the more we’ve managed to talk loudly about they way things used to be than work towards what things are going to be.

  32. Scott says:

    Look at all the Americans thinking the shirt is even remotely true.
    Your navy was founded by a Scot.
    You know what’s also Scottish? Primers. Steel tubes. Bikes. Ghillie suits.

  33. Alex says:

    Well its seems all racists that have crawled out their wood work since 2008 seem more free then ever …

    I guess Crye has shown its true colors so will they be offering Multicam pointy hats and robes ?

    • SSD says:

      It’s funny, I don’t take this as racist.

    • Joe says:

      This is what I replied to “Displaced Patriot” above and it also applies to you:

      This shirt, IN NO WAY, promotes racism. This shirt is about the government’s policies that have impeded on the rights, liberties of the citizens of the United States. More specifically, it is about how this current administration’s policies have impeded on the rights and liberties of the citizens. I, myself, am a citizen of the United States, more specifically a minority citizen of the United States. Hearing people like you screaming “racism” here and there when people critique this administration just because this administration coincidentally have a non-white Commander in Chief is truly a shameful display of what this country is becoming. If a white Commander in Chief push through their policies and agenda the way the current administration’s policies have been pushed through and people are criticizing and critiquing their actions, no one would scream “racism.” In fact, they’d probably still criticize for the same reasons; their liberties are being treaded upon.

      Racism as defined by the world renowned Merriam-Webster dictionary: “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”

      This shirt does not promote racism in even the slightest bit. If you still believe this shirt promotes racism, then you yourself are promoting racism by bringing racial issues to something that has nothing to do with race since the very beginning. This is how racism still exist today (besides the fact that there are still cases of actual racism like from the Neo-Nazi’s), it’s because of people like you that keeps relating anything to racial issues even if it does not.

  34. Andrew says:

    Y’know what I think? Don’t really matter what I think. Once that first bullet goes past your head, politics and all that shit just goes right out the window.

  35. Ed says:

    Good grief. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Unless I’m mistaken, Multicam/OCP was adopted by our military serving in Afghanistan during this administration which is being poked by this t-shirt. Crye makes some decent pocket change from government contracts and it releases a shirt like this? Please.

  36. Tyler says:

    Wow..that accelerated quickly….

  37. John says:

    So are you telling me I don’t have any rights? Damn, I hate when that happens.

    You’ll find this shirt on the backs of the same mouth breathers that have ‘Hinckley shot the wrong brady’ bumper stickers on their car or a drawer full of ‘FBI–Female Body Inspector’ shirts.

  38. Andre says:

    What a stupid fucking shirt.
    And life goes on…

  39. Eddie says:

    A must have I hoped they will be offered by Crye.

  40. Richard says:

    I love Crye and all the company has done to better equip and protect gun fighters. Let me just say this about the shirt!

    The men that use Crye-Precision products also fight for the freedom of the company to say what ever the fuck they want about the current administration. The End! Now will someone please tell me where I can get one?