GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Ron Paul Calls It Like He Sees It


In a tweet that supporters are calling a brave act, former Texas Representative Ron Paul calls it like he sees it posting, “Chris Kyle’s death seems to confirm that ‘he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.’ Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn’t make sense.”

What do you think?

102 Responses to “Ron Paul Calls It Like He Sees It”

  1. Joe says:


  2. Nate says:

    Seems like a callous statement at best and I’m being generous with that statement.

  3. Mike S says:

    Douche bag!

  4. TCBA_Joe says:

    Well more proof he’s not CIC material and that he apparently loathes the military.

  5. Forrest says:

    Typically seen with people who I hold in lower regard than I had Ron Paul, why do politicians decide to comment on anything? If you don’t have anything good to say, say nothing at all. He could avoid hatred by keeping his opinion to himself.

    I don’t know much about PTSD, all I do know is hear say. Apparently, my lack of knowledge is nothing compared to his.

  6. Terry says:

    Besides being grossly ignorant with the “die by the sword” comment as it relates to a combat veteran…Ron Paul is also apparently completely uninformed about PTSD and how best to help those who are dealing with it recover.

  7. The Bald Monk says:

    BLUF: Ron Paul is an ass.

    It is inappropriate at this time to draw any conclusions about the events. We don’t know enough about Mr. Kyle and the murderous SOB who killed him.

    Mr. Paul’s statement is in poor taste at this time and not supported by the facts at this time. As a medical doctor, Congressman Paul should know to keep his pie hole shut until the facts are known.

    I am particularly offended that Mr, Paul used “he who lives by the sword dies by the sword” metaphor since Mr. Kyle’s risked his life to wield a sword in defense of our Republic.

  8. Arrow 4 says:

    Ron Paul is a flucking jackass

  9. Mitch says:

    Perhaps if he had been killed in combat Ron Paul’s comment would make sense but Chris Kyle wasn’t. He was killed at a shooting range which one would think would be a pretty safe place as long as everyone is following the rules.

  10. DGR says:

    I was starting to like the guy, now I would vote for Obama over him. Kyle died by the sword yes, but he lived protecting asshole politicians like Paul. Ron Paul is now no more than another blathering fool in my eyes!

  11. Doc B says:

    The notion the Mr. Kyle was trying to “treat” anything seems to be based upon both Jack and Poo, so leave it to a politician to lay it out there as something that A) actually took place, and B) was somehow deserved.

    Seems to me that he was engaged in an activity that he loved with a couple of guys he felt would enjoy themselves doing it alongside him. One might say that this turned out to be a miscalculation in the end, but please let the party who has never made a regrettable decision raise their paw.

    No one?


  12. EeppiN says:

    Seems like he has misunderstood the whole saying… and has no clue about people like Mr. Kyle.

  13. straps says:

    PERFECTLY in line with that guy’s simplistic thinking, which holds that we should roll the world to the way it was in September 1929. You know, Gold Standard, white guys had everything well in hand, women and coloreds knew their place. Never mind what happened in October 1929.

    Exposure therapy during rapport building and bonding has a role in the PTSD recovery process. As an MD, you’d think Dr. Paul was aware of this.

    • HangOn says:

      “PERFECTLY in line with that guy’s simplistic thinking, which holds that we should roll the world to the way it was in September 1929. You know, Gold Standard, white guys had everything well in hand, women and coloreds knew their place. Never mind what happened in October 1929. ”

      yeah, “simplistic” like your econ-imbecilic ass.

      Yes, do YOU know what happened in Oct 1929?

      Do you KNOW that we were on a partial gold standard until 1971?

      Do you KNOW that every single paper currency throughout history, on average after 27yrs, has always returned it its original value: ZERO.

      Thanks for defining “irony.” Simpleton.

  14. Mohican says:

    IMHO just fuck you, Ron Paul!

    And STFU, please, we are mourning a great person and you will never be one.

  15. Ash says:

    Glad someone said it, ’cause I really wanted to. Matthew 26:52 and Revelations 13:10 were the first things that came to mind when I read this news. I knew pointing out God’s law would go over poorly, and while it sucks when it bites you in the ass, it’s still the Word Of God. That doesn’t make me (or RP) ignorant or anti-military, but Christians (should) accept the difficult truths of our faith along with the joyous truths. If you want to warp the Bible’s words to suit your needs, then by all means call RP (and me) an a$$hole. If you want to accept God’s law, you cannot pick up arms against others and be surprised when those same arms are what sends you to the Lord.

    That said, I embrace the fact that as long as I choose to defend my land with a “sword” (chambered in 5.56), then I’ll thankfully go to the Lord when another “sword” strikes me down.

    Murder is wrong. Lives ended too soon is a tragedy. A Christian who accepts Jesus accepts his teachings, no matter how difficult to accept they may be.

    • TCBA_Joe says:

      Way to take the teaching of the Bible out of context.

      The Bible says those who live an unjust and violent life will reap that which he sows.

      To apply “live by the sword die by the sword” you assert the lives he took were taken unjustly.

      I consider myself a devout Christian, and I don’t accept your outlook on Chris Kyle’s death.

    • Federico says:

      glad someone said it? really?
      you’re just taking god’s words out of context and basically say, well he was doing his job and saving lives with his work tool, wich is a rifle, then it’s ok for somebody at a gun range to shoot him? i definitely think that if, like you say take your sword chambered in 5.56 to the range and some other guy shoots you dead your family is not gonna be very happy or just think it’s fair oh he lived by the sword it’s cool he die the way he wanted? at the range? trying to help people? really c’mon man that is just plain stupid

      • tomaso says:

        not to mention…”their not God’s word’s” but writings written by MEN to help form a better world….just some had better ideas then others.

        As for Mr ApaulING…he is an ass…just ask him what he thinks about WWII

    • TM says:

      I didn’t know God’s publicist was an SSD reader. Tell us more about how Chris Kyle deserved to die, you fucking asshole.

    • AJ says:

      So you’re saying that every service member who has ever had to take a life during war is a murderer and its gods will that they die by the sword? “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone”. See, I can quote scripture too. Say hi to your friends at Westboro for me

    • Joe says:

      It’s “thou shalt not murder” not “thou shall not kill.” Last I checked the Big Guy was down with slaying some motherf*ckers.

    • Nick says:

      And this thought process is EXACTLY why I am almost completely non religious now. This whole “Gods Law”, “Gods Will”, and all that other trite kills me. People say there is no Atheists in fox holes and combat will bring you closer to your faith…usually haven’t been. I have moved further from faith after my tours in Iraq. I think Ron Paul really shouldn’t have made a comment on the matter. It is still very soon and he (like most of us) doesn’t have all the facts and is making assumptions. I swear this world would be better off without religion some times…it causes almost more problems than it solves.

  16. Toby says:

    I say make him do a rotation in A-stan and see what trauma he suffers, maybe then he’ll appreciate the good work many people, including Chris Kyle, do to help our warfighters

  17. GW says:

    Sounds like someone who knows he won’t get this kind of recognition when he passes and is just a little jealous about it. Kyle would have gotten more votes for president just for showing up than Ron Paul worked hard to get.

  18. Jerrod says:

    I think one of the best ways to help someone deal with their personal issues is to put them in their comfort zone. Where else are you going to find a veteran more in their comfort zone than at the range. If the guy didn’t want to go and they made him, that would be one thing but I doubt that’s how it was. I know and volunteer with several guys who have PTSD and I would gladly go to the range with them. It’s a place for guys to chill and talk about stuff.

  19. John A says:

    I wasn’t there, nor was I privy to the events that led to up to this event and I’m keeping my mouth SHUT about it…I highly recommend that Ron Paul do the same….

  20. Smitty says:

    Ron Paul is clinically insane, which he re-proves every time he opens his mouth.

  21. jellydonut says:

    I’ve always liked Ron Paul. This, however.. it’s certainly out of character for him. I suppose now that his congressional career is over he’s not afraid of voicing his every thought. Disappointing.

  22. Eric B says:

    Ron Paul is, and always has been, a simplistic fool pretending he understands the world around him. More of a child than an adult. Shame on those who vote for him for without bothering to look at this man for what he is, a dunce. I have little respect for our elected officials, but even less for those who elect these shining stars of ignorance, which can be found in every political party. Remember the genius who was worried Guam might capsize? Fools abound.

  23. Matt H says:

    In the past, I’ve thought of Ron Paul as a someone who is unafraid to give his own opinion. In some cases, that’s a good thing. In this case, however, its a fucking abortion.

  24. Lawrence says:

    “Calls it like he sees it.”????

    All Ron Paul did was prove another old adage: Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot, than to open it and remove all doubt.

  25. Brian says:

    My God man… open mouth insert foot! Best to bow your head and say nothing if you have never been there. WOW!

  26. D says:

    As a former warfighter who has dealt with PTSD and as someone who now currently works in the field of cognitive neuroscience, I do have a great deal of knowledge and experience dealing with and treating PTSD. I’m surprised that someone who speaks like that have a similar knowledge base and experience, Ron Paul, has not heard of cognitive-processing therapy. Now I do not know of the nature or causes of this person’s PTSD, but I do know that taking veterans to a shooting range and giving them blocks of training, could be considered a loose form of cognitive-processing therapy. I did not know Chris Kyle and I do not know if that was his rationale, but what I do know is that we lost a true hero. Not only because of what he accomplished during his active duty service and deployments, but because he cared about veterans and dedicated his time, knowledge, and resources to help them.
    For Ron Paul, a politician, to say something so obtuse, is unacceptable. They say actions speak louder than words, however in this case, Ron Paul has proved the exception to the rule.
    Chris Kyle seemed to be a man who let his actions do the talking for him. In some circles, he will be remembered by the number 160, I think that number pales in comparison to the lives that he saved, touched, or helped.


    “a man who won’t die for something, is not fit to live”

  27. Diego says:

    He’s a moron…..

  28. Qball says:

    The Sanhedrin have no clue about the profession of a Centurion. Bring the Sanhedrin to the trench. Let us see how soon they cry for a nobel Warrior to send them home.

  29. MaxM says:

    As a person whose political ideas are quite libertarian-leaning myself, I never cease to be embarassed by Ron Paul.

  30. Eddie says:

    “Die by the sword” is ridiculous statement. Chris Kyle was doing charity work helping fellow vets deal with PTSD and other problems when he was killed. The man has done more for his country and risked his life countless times something Mr. Paul can’t seem to appreciate. I am not surprised by these statements by politicians…I am just surprised these people were chosen to represent us.

  31. Luigi says:

    He’s not a douchbag, he is 100% correct, and its a shame a good soldier died on that day.

  32. D2 says:

    John Kerry is now Secretary of State…should be a reduction in politicians making stupid statements about protectors of freedom.

  33. HangOn says:

    Holy fucking shit, you guys are as gullible as fuck.

    Ron Paul is 77yrs old.

    Let me repeat that, he’s SEVENTY SEVEN yrs old, who does NOT post in FaceBook or Twitter, nor has he EVER had. He’s always had staffers and volunteers do it, during the POTUS run, and after.

    Granted, that doesn’t speak much of his managerial abilities, but he’s a libertarian; they’re not micromanagers. One pitfalls of live and let live attitude, if you’re running an organization.

    This is why it’s important to be familiar with someone’s writing style, before biting on like a bunch of Pavlov’s dopes, just because a neoKUNT at The Daily Caller led you there.

    Note the timing also? Karl ‘Turd Blossom’ Rove announces a new SuperPAC to purge GOP of all libertarians, non-interventionists, Tea Party, and real grassroots paleo-conservatives.

    Ron Paul’s Twitter and Facebook account has been hacked before. So have numerous others. This should be an accepted reality by now, if you’ve been using internet for… shit I don’t know, like more than two weeks?

    During 2012 run, via Twitter, Ron Paul was ‘endorsed’ by Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stafani, and a whole bunch of other useless musician types all simultaneously on the same day, only to be revealed that their Twitter accounts have been hacked by an overzealous Ron Paul supporter.

    Ron Paul’s a doctor, OF COURSE he knows that even if you were to treat PTSD, using familiar objects or actions, such as shooting for vets, are one of the options that should be utilized. So WHY THE FUCK would he say that would be strange?

    Judging by nature of most of the comments, some of you have geopolitical acumen of a tick.

    Especially if you’re a neoKUNT rah rah AIPAC cocksucking USS Liberty murdering Isis-Ra-El-firster apologist asshole, who got wind of this Twitter via the neoKUNT fake ‘libertarian’ Fucker Carlson owned DailyCaller, FUCK OFF, ya Trotskyite commie kunt.

    What we first need to do is PURGE America of ALL Christo-Zionist kunts who delude Israel loves them. Be an AMERICA firster, or STFU!

    If you think Israel’s such a good “ally,” answer this: why the FUCK would they try to sink USS Liberty, or have dual citizenship kunts like Fucky Schmucker and Dianne FeinsKUNT repeatedly introduce bills to abolish yours and my right of self defense?

    Think, it’s still legal.

  34. majrod says:

    Let someone you think is an idiot talk long enough and he’ll eventually remove all doubt.

  35. SGT Rock says:

    Ron Paul takes the tool and smokes the pole, this statement just proves it all the more.

  36. Truman says:

    Let’s call the facts out. No US soldier has absolutely any business in Iraq or Afghanistan. In 1953, the CIA fucked Iran by overthrowing their gov’t. In 1979, they took it back. So in the eighties the US paid Saddam millions (knowing full well he used chemical weapons against innocents) to fuck Iran some more. Is Iran crazy? Sure; but why? (If you really think that you could live in a country where nations on both sides have been fucked by the US and not want nukes, you’re an idiot) It has been confirmed that there were no WMDs in Iraq and zero link between Al Qaeda and Saddam. War is a racket to make money and fuck people. The gov’t started up this propaganda about Iraq because Saddam switched from the dollar to the Euro for oil sales in 2000. First thing we did after we installed the new government was to switch them back. Gaddafi was in power 40 YEARS but all of a sudden we gotta take him out (he was in talks of establishing a gold backed currency). Iran starts trading oil for gold and anything but the dollar and now they’re the boogeyman. On top of that, if you think dozens of multi-billion dollar “defense” corporations have no hand in making sure we go to war so they can make money, you’re delusional. I call THAT MURDER. Now, most US soldiers don’t know that they’re committing murder when they kill an Iraqi for nothing. Cold hard facts. I DON’T “HATE” SOLDIERS, because we’ll see which ones will honor their oaths when our government wants them to fire on US citizens – I’m counting on you to stand tall when the time comes. Meanwhile, wars are complete lies, and Ron Paul’s statement was in distaste as he did not know the circumstances of that man’s death. Get real, the only nation on earth that has ever used nukes to kill people is the US, so any American talking about stopping other countries from even possessing one needs to shut up. Now.

    • Terry says:

      You and “Hangon” do a pretty good job of cherry picking selective facts from history; mating them with half truths and speculation and then spinning the resulting bastard narrative to fit your sad little paranoid world views. You have every right to your opinion, but neither of you is providing anything of value to the discussion.

    • R & R says:

      Truman, flush out your head gear, and you and Ron “the fucktard” Paul can suck-start the firearm of your choice. Jagg-offs!

  37. Dave the Rave says:

    1. There was no need for him to make a statement at all.
    2. Love.
    3. Prudence.

  38. Dave the Rave says:

    Thank goodness Ron Paul wasn’t president when he said that.

  39. Norbis says:

    Maybe that is how he sees it, but it shows his lack of experience/knowledge of the warrior culture and/or PTSD.

    Again, politicians should keep to what they know best: disguising their agenda as what they think is best for the people.

  40. EJ says:

    When a senator or legislator dies, the flag is put at half staff at every base I’ve set foot on. It doesn’t matter what we thought of them, or their “service” to the country. You pay your respects at Taps. The fact that they cannot do the same is a more profound statement than any quip about ivory towers, or being removed from the country they govern.

  41. veteran says:

    I have never voted for him and will never support anything he does in the future…

  42. ShitStickMcIntyre says:

    I’m an athiest, but the first thing any biblical scholar will tell you is that you need context for a quote to have meaning.

    “And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest’s, and smote off his ear. Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” Matthew 26 51-52 KJV

    Sooo… Jesus defended himself by sword (cutting off a priest’s ear) and said to his attackers that if they wanted to fight he would fight back…

    Yeah, that’s exactly how Kyle lived. He fought to defend what he thought was right and put down those that sought to destroy him. I think the quote is rather fitting, it’s just some people don’t understand the context and have decided to use it derisively. The context is there, just go by that and this improper usage of the quote will disappear.

    • Qball says:

      Actually Mr McIntyre,
      What happened was Jesus knew he was going to be betrayed by Judas and was kickin it in the garden waiting for him. You see, Jesus knew he had to die. It’s part of Jesus accepting my sins and dying for me thing. Anyhow, Judas shows up with an arrest team from the government. One of Jesus’ homies, who liked a good fight, seeing the cops showing up to arrest Jesus stepped up and sliced off the ear of one the punks of the priests. He was ready to throw down and kick some bully cop ass. But Jesus just knew he was supposed to die. And he also said this, “Put your sword back in its place, for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” Meaning, “Bro, I gotta get this done, and right now fighting the cops is bad idea ‘cuz they will kill you guys and my disciples right there have a mission to achieve!” And with that, he was arrested, given a silly trial, actually released by the Head Roman dude. But they people were in a tizzy and wanted Jesus killed.

      • Decent Weasel says:

        I want a Qball translation of the Bible, like, NOW.

        Set it in any font you like. Even Comic Sans. It’d still be worth it.

  43. Darius137 says:

    He made a great statement.

    He expressed his thoughts.

    He caused a lot of throught provoking dialogue.

    I retweeted, and now getting a shit storm from my fellow veterans. Thank you, Dr. Ron Troll, you are glorious.

  44. American Courage Corner says:

    WTF?! That is a pretty insensitive thing to say. Especially if you don’t know the background and relationship of the suspect and victims. PTSD does not make every patient a violent criminal. Yes it can be a contributing factor. No it must not be used to trump right from wrong.

    And seriously? Ron Paul?

  45. Alex says:

    I never voted for this shit bag. I hope most were able to judge his character before this shit.

  46. Adam says:

    He’s a fucking kook and so are all of his fucking dumbass supporters.

    On his pathetic website they’ve started a petition for him to run again in 2016. Hopefully he will fucking drop dead before then, but I’m sure if he does, all of his supporters will put on their tin-foil hats and stand on my fucking street corner and yell at cars about what a conspiracy it was.

    I don’t know what would be worse.

    Fuck Ron Paul.

    RIP Chris Kyle.

  47. Bud says:

    I didn’t vote for Ron Paul nor would I ever! But thanks to persons like Mr. Kyle I guess he can say what ever he wants. Out of respect to my parents who taught me if you can not say something nice about someone then don’t say nothing at all. Ron Paul you are ________________!

  48. Stefan S. says:

    Ron Paul is a loon!

  49. pigmypuncher says:

    first post nails it…

  50. John says:

    Ron Paul may well have made enemies out of a lot of folks whose capabilities we need not comment on…not to mention many patriotic Americans in general.