SIG MMG 338 Program Series

AFSOC Goes Back to the Future and Establishes Air Warfare Center

In the early 1960s the United States Air Force established a Special Air Warfare Center at Hurlburt Field, Florida the modern home of AFSOC. There, they trained Air Commandos in irregular warfare, a concept that the USAF has paid lip service to over the past ten years but done little actualize. To create this new Special Operations Air Warfare Center, AFSOC transformed the existing Special Operations Training Center and added a much needed, expanded aviation advisor capability.

BG Jon Weeks assumed command of the new Special Operations Air Warfare Center last week which also, interestingly enough, now also includes the 919th Air Force Reserve Special Operations Wing at Duke Field as well as two Air Guard units in Mississippi and Alabama.

Headquartered at Hurlburt Field with operating locations at the nearby Duke Field and Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, The Air Warfare Center will organize, train, educate and equip special operations forces; lead major command of counter-insurgency and irregular warfare missions; test and evaluate weapons programs; and develop tactics, techniques and guidelines for special operations missions.


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