TLR-7® X USB // Sidewinder Stalk®

7500 Articles!

January 7th marked our 7000th post and today it’s already 7500!

Speaking of milestones, SSD’s 5th anniversary is coming up in May. Any ideas on ways we could celebrate the occasion?

10 Responses to “7500 Articles!”

  1. steve says:

    I feel like this anniversary requires sexy photos to be bombarded to your email again. /stillwearshat

    • SSD says:

      Sexy emails sure, as long as they aren’t yours. Btw, shoot me an email, I have something for you, you sexy beast.

  2. BrettW says:

    The Bada Bing @ SOFIC!

  3. Stone06 says:

    BBQ with the Mad Duo, CarniK Con, and Robin Sparkles?

  4. DrawFire says:

    Keep Calm and Return Fire t-shirts. For five bucks!

  5. Yanne says:

    Congrats on everything SSD! Love it.

  6. Will says:

    Hookers and Blow?!?

  7. Robert Anderson says:

    Good show my man!

  8. Lasse says:

    Congrats SSD!