SureFire XC3

Bad For Running, Worse For Bullfighting

This might have been released on the First of April but it’s no joke.

A Challenge – 10,000 Likes on Facebook
A Dare – Griff runs with bulls on July 8th in flip flops
A Bet – Build enough momentum to start a factory in Afghanistan and help kickstart the local economy

Matthew Griffin, ‘Griff’, has gone crazy. This July, the Combat Flip Flops CEO will be demonstrating his bravado by running with the bulls in his flip flops. “Why?” you ask. To affect positive change.

The famed running of the bulls takes place each July in Pamplona, Spain. With origins dating back to the 14th century, many agree the event started as the process of herding the bulls from their overnight corrals to the bullring in preparation for the day’s fight. Young men from the local towns would audaciously jump into the path of the bulls challenging their luck and showing their bravery.

“We’re about to do something crazy, really crazy. Something that’s never been done before, probably never should be done, and probably won’t ever be done again. Why? Increase awareness about our cause – to get Afghan factories back up and running, and give a chance to let everybody be involved,” said Griff.

Follow Griff on Facebook as he trains for his big event. From Washington to France to Spain, Griff will be getting advice from top athletes and random people on the streets as he strengthens his toes and that spot between your big toe and second toe to handle the rigors of running with the bulls in thongs.

“Combat Flip Flops is about creating community, stoke and having a good time. We are veterans, businesspeople, soccer moms, and outdoor recreators supporting the growing Afghan economy through peaceful trade: Business, Not Bullets. If it takes an utterly daring stunt to bring a community together, then so be it,” said Griff.

With plans to expand production back to Afghanistan, Combat Flip Flops are currently handcrafted in Issaquah, WA. From subtle to capable of being seen from space on a cloudy day, each model incorporates design elements from the Afghan culture, creating a connection with the consumer. So sit back, relax and pick out your favorite pair of flops, just remember; they’re bad for running and worse for (bull) fighting.

For sales inquiries, training tips and general harassments, please contact Matt Griffin, or 206-552-5500.


7 Responses to “Bad For Running, Worse For Bullfighting”

  1. Chris says:

    not a thong. why people keep calling them that is beyond me.

    • Reseremb says:

      Friendly advice from a Spaniard and three times “runner”, two in Pamplona and another one in San Sebastián de los Reyes…no way he can run in flip-flops, not only because the hard time using that instead of sneakers, but because Police and other runners will kick him out. It is dangerous for other runners, same reason drunk guys are kicked out early in the morning.

      Maybe keeping the flip flops hidden under the shirt until the last second. And having stab-proof undergarments.

  2. G says:


    No worries man. We’ve got plans for the cops and other runners. This may be our first run in flops, but not our first rodeo! Thanks for the forewarning.


    • Reseremb says:


      Glad to know that dude, go stealth and run harder! those old-runners and the “pastores” with the sticks can be dangerous, hahaha. I will miss it this year, GF don’t allow me anymore, she needs me to keep paying the mortgage for many years to come.

      Extra points if you jump from “salto del guiri” with the Combat Flip Flops!