GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Haley Strategic Darkness Solutions

Travis Haley talks lights. It’s a great primer on tactical lighting concentrating on various popular lights and how they perform.


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12 Responses to “Haley Strategic Darkness Solutions”

  1. James says:

    Does anyone else notice the brightness change in the video during the indoor portions? Like the levels were increased in post during the demos with the Inforce light?

    Here’s a screen from when he flashes the Inforce light indoors

    And here’s the next frame before the Inforce is turned off, where the brightness goes back to normal

    Here’s how the Surefire light appears- the brightness doesn’t change like during the Inforce sequence

    Seems odd…

  2. 404953C says:

    I think what you’re seeing is a combination of compression and the camera lens on auto adjusting for the light.

    • James says:

      If it’s auto adjusting for the light then why does it that one frame appear without the extra brightness? How come it doesn’t auto adjust in the same manner for the Surefire light?

      I’m curious what camera can auto adjust the exposure within a single frame? Or when it increases the exposure it looks like that.

      Why doesn’t it auto adjust during the sequence where he’s flashing the Inforce around?

      Or here where it “auto adjusts” before the light even turns on

    • Turd Furgason says:

      Fail. When cameras “auto adjust” for light. They iris down when more light is intruduced.

  3. Arrow 4 says:

    I’m sorry but Travis did not present a very compelling argument to me. One thing to consider is, when he was conducting the demonstration inside (CQB) the target used was a highly reflective plastic target. In a real life scenario, the fabric clothing of individuals in that environment (Both threats and innocents) will soak up a lot of the light. That extra light on target can be crucial in picking up detail indicating a threat. I am also not sold on the momentary only switch. Watch 99% of shooters while shooting at night, with a momentary switch, their weapon lights WILL go off after virtually every discharge of their weapon system.

  4. PLiner says:

    Holy crap batman, all of that mumbo jumbo, peel the banana from this end slick talk to basically say “This flash light has a wider beam” (forehead smack) How did I ever make it through all those deployments with a narrower beam surefire light?

    Don’t drink the Kool-aide and don’t let the smoke and mirrors fool you, he’s pitching a product for a company that sponsors him, of course that flashlight is going to be better than the others in his hand.

  5. defensor fortissimo says:

    I can’t speak about haley’s model since i haven’t used it. I have, however, used a standard wml for about a year and have a few minor quibbles with his presentation.
    1) WMLs according to all the literature put out by Inforce put out about 125 lumens, not 150. Keep in mind I’m not trying to nit-pick, 200 is an improvement however you want to spin it, and i’m not exactly in a position to quantify a lumen count in any case.
    2) You have the option for momentary on with the standard model, all you have to do is hold the button down and release when ready. For breaking a room in sections, it seems like you could do the same in strobe mode. The problem with that being transitioning smoothely to high mode if neccesary.
    3) Inforce already offers a momentary on version at a significantly reduced price to their original model. In other words his main accomplishment with the HSP is to come up with a juiced up version of the original. Commendable, but not revolutionary. Incidentally I would have liked to see a side by side comparison with the original, as well as possibly some models from Insight, if for no other reason than it would have made his analysis seem less like a pissing contest with Surefire.

    All that being said, setting aside for a moment the debate about brightness and over-spill, etc, Inforce’s design is more than enough to stand on it’s own merits. It’s compact, comfortable, reliable, and extremely user friendly. If he’s found a way to make it more efficient, good for him. If not the original is well worth coming back to.

  6. Trajan says:

    The mini-scout is only 110 lumens IIRC.

    He should try a Fury, plenty of spill. His blinding theory is BS.

    My guess is he’s justifying his light choice. Surefire wouldn’t sponsor him I guess.

    • Haji says:

      This year’s M300B Mini Scout is a 200 lumen light, same as my M600C Scout. WHERE’S MY 500 LUMEN SCOUT HEAD!??! LOL!

  7. Hank says:

    DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS MAN!!!! If you go to candlepowerforum, your gonna learn a bunch of cool stuff that makes all you friends think you’re weird… And you’re gonna end up with 20 flashlights… And you’re gonna pause Internet videos to try to see what kind of LED chip is in this flashlight. Save yourself the headache

  8. M@ says:

    I know Streamlight isn’t considered “tacticool” by the HSLD crowd, but the TLR-1 does basically everything that Haley was saying the HSP Inforce model was designed to do.

  9. Jason says:

    For $10-15 more, why wouldn’t you just get a SureFire P2X which is 500 lumens?? Seems like a no brainer to me.

    Or even an X300U.

    I’m not a Surefire fanboy, but I recently went through the search for a new WML and the Inforce was quickly dropped off my shopping list because of the price vs lumens ratio compared to the very highly rated P2X. I’ve been happy with it so far.

    I still think my TLR-2 is a great light too, and you can get the new TLR-1 at 300lumens for again, just a few more dollars than the Inforce WML.