
Exum Mountain Guides

We mentioned Exum Mountain Guides several years ago when we first met them at OR in SLC. At the time there wasn’t much to say as we hadn’t heard anything about them.

Exum Mountain Guides was walking the show and discussing their XMS3 (Exum Mountain Systems Safety Survival) course offerings. They provide several standard courses including multi-day mountain movement and avalanche training. Visit for more information.

Here is a video that will show you a little more about the company’s guide programs.


3 Responses to “Exum Mountain Guides”

  1. Steve says:

    The most stunning part about this entry is that SSD hadn’t heard of Exum. They’re legendary in all things outdoors. They’re among the longest running educational outfits operating, not just in the National Park Service, but in the adventure sports.

    Routinely, Exum guides have doubled as DoD trainers for US Special Operations assets, and both NSW and USASF are very familiar with Exum.

  2. ODG says:

    Being co-located with Exum and having friends that are instructors and guides, I can tell you first hand they are a top shelf company and offer great courses of instruction in all facets of mountaineering novice through expert.