SIG MMG 338 Program Series

My EDC – Emerson CQC-7V


My Every Day Carry knife is an Emerson CQC-7V.

Handles – Afghan Tan G-10 epoxy / glass laminate
Lock – Aerospace grade Titanium
Blade – 154 CM
Finish – Satin Finish
Grind – ‘B’ Blade – Conventional V Ground Tanto Style

Overall Length – 8.0 in.
Blade Length – 3.3 in.
Handle Length – 4.65 in.
Blade Thickness – .125 in.
Hardness – 57-59 RC
Weight – 4.0 oz.

What’s your EDC?


38 Responses to “My EDC – Emerson CQC-7V”

  1. Invictus says:

    Was a Dalton Mohawk Auto; recently made the switch to old school with a twist: Victorinox Huntsman Silver with a Nite Ize pocket clip.

    • dave says:

      Love those Nite Ize eclips. Dropped a couple on a leather mag pouch so I could carry IWB. Those locking tabs are fantastic.

  2. Thomas says:

    Emerson Mach-1 or CQC-12. Sometimes a Hinderer XM-18.

  3. Todd says:

    SKD ZT 0360 or Kershaw Cryo depending on what pair of pants I left them in .

  4. Lew says:

    Spyderco Endura Emerson Wave. Great knife for the price, opens beer as well.

  5. Emerson Commander, or Emerson SOFCK. Great knives with great shapes; not a fan of tanto blades.

  6. Mike says:

    Medford TFF-1 with a flame-treated titanium scale, black aluminum scale.

    Sometimes a TFF-3, sometimes a ZT0302, but usually the TFF-1

  7. Todd says:

    I’m carrying a CQC-7VBTS. I swapped out the tan handles for black ones, though.

  8. Kershaw full-size assisted-open Cyclone

  9. Joe says:

    Great choice.
    If it isn’t an Emerson (CQC-8, Super Raven or CQC-6 typically) I’m carrying one of the old Masters of Defense CQD Mk1’s.

  10. dave says:

    Kershaw Knockout straight edge.
    Assisted opening, wide blade, aluminum handle, deep carry black clip.

  11. veteran says:


  12. Logan F. Crooks says:

    Currently It’s a Benchmade Serrated, Drop-Point Griptillian, REI Serrated Mini-Griptillian or Kershaw Blur. I’m saving up for an Emerson CQC-13 though.

  13. John O says:

    I am very happy with my Zero Tolerance 0561, it is surprisingly light weight for its size and carries well.

  14. BradKAF308 says:

    Spderco Endura in civis or Benchmade Griptillian in uniform. F! lost my Kershaw blur F! It’s better in civis.

  15. Ahisa says:

    I usually rotate between a Strider smf and my Emerson mini commander

  16. ScottB says:

    ZT 0350OR Strider/ Onion SpeedSafe Limited Edition

  17. DV says:

    Benchmade Griptillian – OD

    I broke the tip of it, need to contact benchmade and see if there is anything they can/will do about it.

  18. Kaoskydexsolutions says:

    Hinderer XM18 3.5″

  19. Jud says:

    Kershaw blackout Blur

  20. Hank says:

    Zero Tolerance 0700. Love that knife.

  21. Oneoops31 says:

    Strider SMF with Aluminum scale and a Digicam Blade or a Surefire Delta, and when I’m feeling like I do not have enough weight in my pocket a Strider AR.

  22. bob says:

    ZT 0551 or an Emerson Mini-Commander

  23. Keld says:

    One of the old Benchmade Emerson CQC7’s

  24. Paul says:

    SOG Trident or ZT 0350

  25. will says:

    SOG Trident.

  26. ADK says:

    Ontario RAT 1 folder, nothing fancy but ive carried it for years and its never failed me.

  27. Steve says:

    CRK Professional Soldier with modified sheath for IWB carry.

  28. Mikey says:

    Chris Reeve/Wilson Tactical Star-Benza Ti Framelock Small on me and a ZT 0300 in my EDC pack.

  29. Trajan says:

    Microtech LUDT, plain edge.

  30. Pyronaute says:

    Always a Swiss Army Knife.
    Lately in addition, a Chris Reeve Sebenza from Knife Art (with the modified Wharncliff blade). A gift from my family last Christmas for the man who has nearly everything.
    I think of the Sebenza as the Randall of folding knives. (Not only from a cost perspective, but also form and function.) Used to carry a Randall Fireman at work for nearly two decades. I’m less tactical now and more strategic, the knife is overkill-but I still love it and it is the envy of many.

  31. defensor fortissimo says:

    Cold Steel Rajah III, serrated edge. It’s a bit bulky but it’s solid as hell and the thumb-plate lets it preform like a wave without me breaking bank. Also, folding kukhuri, ’nuff said.
    Deppending on the circumstances I’ll sometimes use a 5.11 Wharn for Duty if i need a lighter blade.

  32. mattd says:

    Emerson Commander

  33. bulldog 76 says:

    a rat 1

  34. Phil says:

    5.11 LMC Modified Clip point folder.

  35. Jeff B says:

    Gerber 06 Fast Tanto.