
Crye Precision Adaptive Vest System Now Available For Order

The Adaptive Vest System or AVS was first unveiled at SHOT Show 2012 with the fully refined version that is currently issued to USSOCOM being the centerpiece of the Crye Precision booth at SHOT Show 2013. It was developed as a fully scalable armor/load carrying system that offers everything from a low-vis rig to a fully armored load-bearing vest.


It is made up of multiple components that the user configures as needed, such as magazine and radio pouches as well as plate pockets. For example, the user might want to prepare a lightweight plate carrier.

AVS Assault Plate Config

Or his mission might call for something a bit heavier.

AVS Assault Config

AVS also accepts packs, zip-on rear panels, and StKSS load supports. The configurations available are only limited by the user’s imagination. So far, all that is in stock is MultiCam.


12 Responses to “Crye Precision Adaptive Vest System Now Available For Order”

  1. Chris K. says:

    O P Tactical will be stocking this system soon(ish).

    • SSD says:

      O P Tactical carries lots of Crye Products.

      • Bill says:

        OP Tac also doesnt mind jacking the price up on a few Crye items either.

        About a 30% price increase on knee pads

        • Jon OPT says:

          We have to do a markup on most Crye items, averaging $10, in order to pay for overhead. It’s either that or don’t carry them. I use their gear, and want to carry it, it’s the cost of doing business with them.

          Jon, OPT

        • Chris K. says:

          Bill, most of the pricing for Crye initially was done very early on. This was the case for the knee pads. We originally priced them based on Crye’s pricing for the Gen 1 and 2 Knee pads, which were $38. The Gen 3 (current model) came out right as we did this. We didn’t realize they had a different price, as Crye doesn’t send out a regular price list for dealers (Gen 3’s have less expensive foam according to Crye). Thanks for bringing the the price difference to our attention. It’ll be adjusted to match what Crye is currently selling them for.

          NOTE: as Jon said in some cases we have to increase the price or we cannot sustain the item (example is the Crye AC-cut pants which at the original price actually cost us more money to stock than we made off them).

  2. Stefan says:

    For just the cost of a kidney it can be yours! LOL!

  3. Firewalker says:

    If it’s too expensive, SORD has had something similar forever…

    Not quite as Gucci, but still modular and adaptable.

    • BM says:

      What does sword have that is even remotely similar to this particular carrier?

      • BM says:

        Yep just as I thought, nothing. There is not a thing in the current line from sword, let alone “forever”, that even resembles or comes close to the functionality/versatility of this carrier.

  4. john says:

    SKD tactical has something similar for substantially less amount of money.

  5. Nate says:

    Its pretty simple guys:
    If you don’t want it….don’t buy it
    If you don’t like Crye….dont buy Crye
    If you don’t like the price…don’t buy it!

    Crye makes very well built and thought out gear, not that other companies don’t do the same, just saying. As for Opt, they have always been great to me and I will continue to buy from them.

  6. Tom says:

    Just a little heads up
    All those companies mentioned above as well as many others were given the opportunity to compete in SoFBAV. And each if the ones above submitted and did not come close to the eagle, Crye, or TYR . Just FYI