Protact by Haartz

Wait, What?

Aussie Troop


28 Responses to “Wait, What?”

  1. Mr Mxyzptlk says:

    Are you talking about the odd rail system, the RME M203PI or something else that I totally missed?

  2. Mr Mxyzptlk says:

    If the rail system is the “WTF?” then it is the Austeyr F88A3, manufactured in Australia by ADI, as opposed to the regular AUG A3 rail which is made by Steyr in Austria. Its been around for a while, see this previous blog post from 2009:

  3. Mark says:

    An Australian with a… sunburn! Truly baffling.

  4. Bill says:

    Perhaps it’s the OD sling on a Coyote rifle…..very tacky.

  5. Benno says:

    Maybe it is the bunny rabbit multicam that we wasted good tax payers money on to look ow so different…

  6. Tim says:

    VAS shroud? Aussies used to have the mini N/SEAS.
    Otherwise, what Mark said.

  7. Matt says:

    I like how they cut a profile into the M203 frame to fit the rifle.

  8. Maxx says:

    The Multicam helmet cover contrasts the Aussie Cam uniform

  9. Lasse says:

    Is that MC pattern slightly larger than the original MC? So Aussie MC is what Duplo is to Lego.

  10. Angry Misha says:

    Ohhhhh I see it… Look into his eyes

  11. steave says:

    That is the worst weapon, why do they keep upgrading it.

    • Dan says:

      Pretty sure its locked in contract till past 2020. So all they are allowed to do is upgrade it.. shame they can’t just upgrade it into a whole ‘nother weapon!

      • simon says:

        yep pretty much, when the ADF gets something. they’ll buy the licience for it allowing the modification and upgrading of the item, all because DMO can’t leave something the way it is and also creating jobs in Australia

  12. m says:

    That Trijicon RMR on top of the ACOG looks weird to me. Whats the deal?

    • Dan says:

      Come’s from the 4x not being suitable for cqb style applications… many argue that in a cqb application you’re going to go with muscle memory.. which most likely isn’t and inch and a half above the place where you have been looking your whole career!

  13. Jay says:

    I think the biggest surprise by this pic is it looks like the MTF is actually outside the wire….

  14. AlexC says:

    Am I the only one that noticed the grey night vision mount?

    I guess ACU really does work…

  15. Gusto says:

    What Thales intends the rifle to be .

  16. TacMod says:

    Maybe it’s that he can’t communicate with anyone because his whip antenna is folded down, giving him a worse SWR than a rubber duck….

  17. Gusto says:

    And then there is him

    And them

    I don’t know who or what the guy in the original picture is he could be Cav,Inf or even Air force or Navy EOD. his got no say on his wpn system or uniform but good on him for being out there.