SIG SAUER - Never Settle

I Want My Camo Announcement Now! Sign The Petition


We’re tired of waiting for the US Army Camo Improvement Effort announcement as well, so we created a White House Petition. If you can’t wait to get your oompa loompa, sign it now and tell your friends.

24 Responses to “I Want My Camo Announcement Now! Sign The Petition”

  1. doosh says:

    they have to milk it for every last 100 thousand dollars before closing it down and announcing a winner

    • SSD says:

      I don’t understand that. Testing is over.

      • doosh says:

        your guess is as good as mine, I’m just shooting from the hip here and saying there’s still probably expenses being racked up despite that.

  2. JEFF says:


  3. CamoReader says:

    I have spread the word about this to every place I know. Hopefully this petition will actually happen.

    Like you said before, the more we wait the more we waste on ineffective UCP.

  4. Army Doc says:

    Hopefully it won’t come down to needing the petition to get this done:

    But I signed it anyways 🙂

  5. chris says:

    How exactly is it any of the public’s business to know? At the end of the day, it doesn’t concern anyone but the military and it’s suppliers. You’ll be told when your told should you need to know is probably what they’re thinking, and rightly so.

    • Bob says:

      Wait till we’re told? You must be from Europe where the government dictates to the people. In America, it’s the other way around. We control the government here, and they respond to our dictates, at the time of our choosing.


      • chris says:

        yeah, funny that, i am. but the point still stands, what the fuck has it got to do with you? their selection of cam makes little difference to you besides appeasing your own curiosity.
        you control your government do you? your doing such a good job of it…

        • Clay says:

          Please don’t comment on my country’s government, you don’t see me commenting on yours. You don’t understand how we do things around here. And yes, this does concern us! It’s our own damn tax dollars at work! We have every right to know what we will be paying for!

        • Dan says:

          Governments aside, the fact is soldiers are citizens, and since soldiers are who the decision will affect, they and their families have every right to know whether or not they are provided the best. Perhaps you don’t understand because your country actually has a pattern or family of patterns that actually work where they’re supposed to.

        • reverend says:

          To chris.

          Your attitude is trollish, you have no understanding of “For the People, By the People.” which is the context of our government, military, and society.

          We have the opportunity (at least we DID before the idiots in charge started using “European” mentality) to succeed, or fail, on our own. No matter the status a man was born, no matter the context of his last name.

          Just the content of his character, and the sweat of his brow.

          I stay out of Europe because I cannot stand the “HATE AMERICA” mentality…Mutually appreciated if you stay there. Thanks!

          • chris says:

            There’s no hate america attitude on my part, i am very pro as it happens having met many great guys out in the ghan. Trolling attitude? Far from it.

        • KP says:

          No but for reals. We’re not really entitled to know. Yes our tax dollars paid for it but all things kept secret by the government is paid for with tax dollars (obvious, I know.) We are going to know eventually so… I don’t see the reason for the angst. I mean, like social security – we pay into it, we’re going to [if it exists then] be entitled to it, but we have to wait. The difference between waiting for that and waiting for this is that we’ve been anticipating this announcement already for a long time.

          I can see it being an issue for guys who need a new uniform soon or new gear, but other than that…

          It’s the Army’s announcement. No need to jump on our buddies because they haven’t been waiting in line to see the Army’s new clothes.

    • doosh says:

      A lot of readers here are military or were military. Your god damn right it’s our business, especially if we spilled blood or had our blood spilled in those God awful ACUs.

  6. Beejay says:

    This decidedly non-grunt, non-Marine, non-zoomie, non-squid, Coastie vet has signed. The men and women of all branches need to have this situation rectified. The sheer idiocy on the part of all of the forces commands within DOD over uniforms is appalling. We have spent billions too much over what should be a simple issue, and it’s time for some sanity.

    One family of patterns for all combat arms branches, and simple, rugged work uniforms for the CG, Navy, and rear forces not in a combat zone.

    I think the true old timers around here have it right: OG-107 for ordinary (garrison) duty, true camo for combat zones. KISS still applies.

  7. Darius137 says:

    Signed. Also spammed the internet and all the twitterverse with this thing.

  8. Darius137 says:

    Still need a lot of sigs! Get it out!

  9. JBAR says:

    More hints?