RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Well Said Batman, Well Said

How about we leave it to the Army to announce their new camo?

Batman Camo

But, then again, there’s nothing wrong with letting them know we’d like the announcement sooner rather than later. Sign the White House petition to have the Army release their camouflage findings. It only takes a minute.


19 Responses to “Well Said Batman, Well Said”

  1. el guapo says:

    The petition is not going to get the signatures needed to pressure the Army to make the announcement… but if you tell us that WILL push them to publicly announce it and make it official.

    • Bluenoser says:

      SSD has already stated their position. Let it be.

      • Bluenoser says:

        Also, I disagree fully that it will push them to publicly announce in the slightest.

      • dairian says:

        “I know but I’m not telling”

        Cool story bro.

        • el guapo says:

          We’ve been waiting 4 years for this- and that petition has .252% of the signatures needed to get the White House just to comment on it. Just sayn’…

          • SSD says:

            Yeah, I’d say that nobody really cares. I wish all those people that won’t take 2 minutes to sign the petition would stop calling and emailing me asking who ‘won’. I’ll tell you who wins, we all do; Soldiers, Industry, just as soon as they announce it.

  2. Matt says:


  3. CamoReader says:

    Kudos for not saying anything and sticking with your guts SSD!
    Aren’t you a member on ICUS?

  4. Paralus says:

    They will release the results prior to the petition reaching 100k signatures

    • SSD says:

      God, I hope so. And then once they do, we get to hear the TA generation complain because they have to spend their text book money on new uniforms. Gee that “duty to nation” stuff sure gets in the way of education, doesn’t it?

      • Giovani says:

        Well I’m a part of the generation and had to pay for my own uniforms all the time as enlisted, Corps policy. I don’t understand why it’s not like that DOD wide.

  5. Darius137 says:

    Just because it sucked for you guys doesn’t mean it has to suck for the next guys. I paid for my BDUs and now I get my ACUs for free. I had to press and sew my BDUs out of my meager private wages.

    I think that you should get all of that issued, instead of using your own money. It’s underhanded budgeting.

    Also, I’d really like that new camouflage. I spammed the petition all over. Hopefully it reaches a point that they act. Until then, I’ll stick with ACUs in garrison, and wear PenCott when I actually want to blend in.

  6. Stu says:

    I don’t mind using a few $$$ to not look like I’m trying to hide in a gravel pit. Also, for the TA whiners… isn’t that the reason we get our annual clothing allowance, or did you all go spend it on a blowout weekend?

    Now, as long as SMA doesn’t get frisky, again, and try to change the ASU’s for a second time in just a few years, I think we will survive if we have to purchase a set or two on our own for garrison. RFI will cover what you need for any rotations, so I don’t see why there’s so much uproar about having to purchase.

    Also, props to you SSD. Good to see that, despite the fact that I am slightly jealous of your insider knowledge, some people remember that whole Honor and Integrity part of service resonates, even in this setting.

  7. Pro says:

    My opinion is that ACUs should always be in the US inventory . The reason for that is the main reason that acu was selected in the first place . Citys. They are everywhere andthey have the same colors – black grey and white . In the next few years US troops will be fighting in them again .
    Multicam is perfect for everything else . If you use it with od green gear you have the perfect combination for forest or green zones . If you use it with coyote gear you ar good to go to desert.
    I have both acus/multicam uniforms and use them extensively , along with other uniform colorations . I would keep ACUs and Multicam with 2 sets of gear coloration(coyote/od) and i am gtg everywhere . (I am not an airsoft player.dont start)
    Austria . Grenadier2009 . It was so easy to spot us troops with acus . It was wrong.

  8. SteveB says:

    There is a pattern that works very well in both transitional terrain AND urban areas……..Kryptek Highlander!

    • Pro says:

      I like it and i like the concept . But………… I dont have any personal experience with it so i cant say anything . Any way (i dont mean that you are wrong) it is very dificult for 1 patern to do all things . Maybe some time in the future we will test that one too.

  9. SS-S says:

    “Also, direct the other military services to adopt this new family of patterns in order to save money and establish uniformity across DoD.”

    —Would you like some cheese with that whine?

    • SSD says:

      Hey, we’re just looking out for all of the services. They’ll have he latest, most up-to-date, most thoroughly tested camouflage in history. And oh, by the way, it’s what Congress told DoD, it’s what they want them to do.