GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort Update


36 Responses to “US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort Update”

  1. Max says:


  2. Joe says:

    Nothing Significant To Report…REALY SSD????

    • SSD says:

      You guys beg for info when there is none and then complain when I post a story saying there is no news. Rather than taking the trouble to write a story, I’ll just make it easier on all involved.

  3. Rob says:

    Nothing Significant To Report

  4. Lucky says:

    Too easy, but, WTF???

  5. CamoReader says:


    Well played, sir.

  6. JEFF says:

    When a decision is made will the army release pictures of all the patterns involved in the effort?

    • Haji says:

      If they do it like they did last time, they’ll just roll out the new pattern when its decided on. All four patterns still in the running are fairly easy to find online now. They’ve been posted multiple times on SSD.

  7. Mac says:


    • TacMod says:

      Agreed. SSD should write a script to repost this exact update every month. Hilarious.

  8. Fred says:

    Rgr, will continue to monitor the net. Gravedigger 2 out.

  9. james says:

    we have made a our minds up and we have choosen not to tell anyone which one we picked!

  10. Nick the Brit says:

    Read the “update” on KitUP which basically said the exact same thing, just in a lot more words that hurt this Infantrymans head! Thanks for being concise as ever.

  11. Case says:

    Thanks for the update!

  12. SteveB says:

    Almost every week, there is a new release of products in Kryptek…Hmmm
    I can’t imagine this happening with all 4 families of patterns, the market wouldn’t bear it.

    Seems like it’s down to Crye vs Kryptek.

  13. Matsucorp says:

    Rest assured we will all know when the time is right.
    There will be a grand roll out, photo op, circus atmosphere…. Politicians and beurocrats will be proudly patting each others backs…..

    And we will hate it and the shit will fly!

  14. CAVstrong says:

    I am going to go out on a limb and say they will make the announcement on he Army’s birthday. That’s seems to be their go to date for uniform related announcements .

    • SSD says:

      That’s what I’ve been talking people offline

      • CAVstrong says:

        Makes sense, that’s when the made the annoucement about the Beret and the sew on name tapes and badges.

    • Max says:

      So they might wait eight weeks from the time testing was completed to announcing the winner? I’ll probably be dead from anticipation before then June 14th.

  15. ODG says:

    I am inclined to agree with SteveB. It’s come down to Crye and Kryptek, but lets take a look at the dynamics in play here. You have Crye which really didn’t innovate any new camo they took multicam tweaked the pattern slightly and changed the color pallet. That said, multicam is the gold standard right now and Crye has great past performance with the government and their pattern is already fielded by the US Army and every SOF unit on the planet. Kryptek came out strong and put out some good stuff, but they are the new kid on the block. Brookwood had a fasion designer from New York design their pattern which looked like a 10 year old with a water color set did it so they basically shot themselves in the foot out of the gate. Then you have Guy Cramer the god father of digital camo and 10,000,000,000 other “patented” patterns who came up with US4CES, MARPAT’s and AOR’s fat ugly kid brother, but he was smart enough to team with ADS the governments # 1 Prime vendor. So if I was to take a scientific wild ass guess I would say the performance race between Kryptek and crye was maybe to close to call, or kryptek out performed everyone but because they are the new kid, and based on “Best value for the Government” They will choose Crye, with multicam already in use as a “Transitional pattern” and OCIE already in place which the government stated they would be building in the transitional pattern they essentially just need to purchase a woodland, and dessert uniform instead of three new uniforms and OCIE. So my money is on Crye but never under estimate politics and I guarantee ADS will not except the decision without a fight.

    • majrod says:

      Multicam has its fans but given that Marpat beat Multicam in eight of 12 environments back in the ’08 Army camo analysis (http://www.scribd.com/doc/19823845/Photosimulation-Camouflage-Detection-Test), if the Army goes with effectiveness, US4CES may have the edge.

      Multicam isn’t serving as a transitional pattern in the sense the Army meant in the competition. Further, multicam is the only pattern in Afghanistan. There is nothing transitional about that. The Army’s intent with a “transitional pattern” in its camo strategyis a pattern that compliments both the desert and woodland selected patterns.

      • CamoReader says:

        A lot of people are confused on the term transitional.
        It is usually used in these two meanings.

        -A pattern that is in between of a Woodland and Desert pattern.


        -An environment classification; referring to grasslands and low-medium vegetation.

        • CamoReader says:

          Also, some could say that US4CES’s OICE pattern is considered to be “universal” in the sense of how UCP was supposed to be.

          • majrod says:

            The Army has abandoned its one pattern for all approach. They will be selecting two patterns for uniforms and a third for gear. That was always the plan for the camo improvement program.

        • majrod says:

          True on the definition of “transitional” but you have to read the Army approach to future camo to understand they invented a third meaning. Gear is supposed to be in a “transitional” camo pattern that compliments the selected desert and woodland patterns. Not a good word. “Complimentary” or even “blending” would have been better words but it is what it is.

  16. ACQGuy says:

    We can’t make a decision on an Armed Scout since it’s AoA was briefed out to the VCSA back 3 months ago, we can’t decide if we’re going to kill the Carbine competitoin, and we can’t decide if we’re going to continue to pursue JLTV. What makes you think we’ll get a decision on a Uniform any sooner than those two pieces?

    Just more of the same indecision from the BLDG.

  17. Mitchell Fuller says:

    My vote is for khaki. Then just roll around in whatever environment your in for that custom camo look.

    And all the services need to wear the same khaki I voted for.

  18. Desert Lizard says:

    With all the widespread enthusiasm this topic has, it could be used for a wager-type fundraiser. $5 for a chance to guess which pattern will win. Those who guessed correctly split 50% of the pot, and the other half goes to some worthy cause. ???