
RTL Flashback

This is dedicated to my fellow graduates.

7 Responses to “RTL Flashback”

  1. MED says:

    Napalm napalm sticks like glue
    Sticks to the women and children too….

    • SSD says:

      I almost posted that one and I prefer but it’s not the one you hear in the RTL.

  2. Jon says:

    This cadence rocks! Wait… hippies wrote it?!

  3. Cardiac says:

    Yeah…it rocks all right. Especially when you’re freezing your ass off in jammies waiting for your number to be called. All hope…is lost.

  4. Rob says:

    I had two tops. Looked like I was wearing mc hammer pants, haha. I was quickly sorted out in the kindest way possible.

  5. Nick says:

    Individual experiences may vary but this is more accurate-