
Some People Work Better At Night

This video was created by the AFSOC Public Affairs Office. What do you think?


10 Responses to “Some People Work Better At Night”

  1. Roecar says:

    Honestly, it looks like community college level work. The Armed Forces recruitment commercials look a lot better.

  2. Jbgleason says:

    The concept and taglines are workable but they didn’t develop it all the way through. Using stock daytime footage and post editing it to green duo tone for “NVG look” does not a quality piece make. I also like how 15 seconds of the 30 second spot is the PAO’s names on the screen. Looks like someone is up for Annual Review and wants to get noticed. It could be great though. They just need to put in some more hours on it.

  3. KP says:

    Definitely use real NVG or do something else entirely. The green filter is obvious and unprofessional.

  4. Morden says:

    Dumb, super dumb…seen teenagers make better videos.

  5. BradKAF308 says:


  6. Walter says:


  7. 3PO_ANGLICO says:

    Taking the time to get an actual TACP or JTAC to record some audio of something a controller would actually say would’ve gone a long way.

  8. This definitely does not reflect the special breed of special operators that it’s trying to portray.

  9. ramcd says:

    What did I just watch?

  10. Don Vito says:

    I have night controls recorded through NVG’s and my Iphone that are better qaulity and I was actually controlling…..just sayin