GORE-Tex Professional



Remember when you were new to the tactical scene or ran across a term you weren’t familiar with? Some friends of ours are working on a new website, TacticalDictionary.com to give you a hand. TacticalDictionary.com is a living document that will continually be updated with the latest terms to help you stay abreast of those new acronyms that seems to crop up.


9 Responses to “TacticalDictionary.com”

  1. Brackett says:

    This is a great idea, but what’s up with all the fanboy sci-fi references?

  2. Mike says:

    Think about it…who else would write a dictionary for acronyms other than sci-fi nerds and geeks?

  3. Buckaroomedic says:

    Kind of like a tactical wiki? Nice.

  4. Juan Bravo says:


  5. redred1 says:

    looks suspiciously similar to http://www.urbandictionary.com

  6. erik says:

    So, one of the web clearing houses hired a few former action guys to put together a huge dictionary for the whole world to see, I wonder who is funding it? It would also be great to have an online dictionary detailing all of the terms and acronyms used by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army/Navy/SOF….oh wait, they still have this thing called OPSEC.

  7. somthing_funny says:

    already well established in the UK http://www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/Main_Page

  8. Lutz says:

    There is no definition of “tactical” in the tactical dictionary…