SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Core Survival LSM

Light, Slider Mounted was originally designed for the JPADS system. When the slider deploys, the light turns on to help mark bundles.


Some customers saw this and asked Core Survival to modify it for use with personnel cutes. A new version is in testing that incorporates an IR light as well as a remote control switch to turn it off.


7 Responses to “Core Survival LSM”

  1. junglerecon says:

    should modify it to be a vs-17+

  2. Jungle says:

    Pathfinders are taught to mark lzs with lights at school. This has been largely negated as aircraft use GPS to pinpoint lzs at night with chalks marking themselves with strobes. If you could produce a vs17 that had a IR built in on a remote switch pathfinders could mark lzs at night in a GPS spoofing environment and when aircraft reach a ccp or are within comms of a pathfinder element that recced a lz the team could remotely trigger the lights on the lz. Just a thought.

    • SSD says:

      There are several LZ lighting kits out there and they’ve been available for decades.

      • junglerecon says:

        most of them are bulky, not duel use (ie a vs 17 as well) and have not been re-thought in decades. anyways sorry to hijack the thread and keep up the good work ssd.

        • SSD says:

          If you don’t need a both a VS17 as well as lights, since its for night use, have you spoken to Adventure Lights?

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