SIG SAUER - Never Settle


I am starting to wonder whether some of the commenters actually think about what they are posting or if the is some sort of compulsion at work. There have been some real humdingers lately. I’m not just talking about trashing a competing brand, I’m talking flat out dumb statements. Pig looking at a wristwatch stuff.

I have a feeling that there are norms at work here. What I might find appallingly stupid, another might consider ok to ‘say aloud.’ With the age of Twitter and Facebook, many feel that they can just post whatever silly thought crosses their mind, combine that with the relative anonymity that SSD offers and voila; recipe for stupidity.

What do you guys think?

49 Responses to “Commenting”

  1. Joshua says:

    Free speech privileges always lead to less than educated comments made by those who feel that their opinion actually matters to the rest of us.

  2. Bobby says:

    Verbal Diarrhea…. what would you call that in Cyber Space? I believe people think they are funny when, the fact is, they are the only ones who get the joke. We all have those friends, especially when they have been drinking, who we can no longer invite to certain functions because they cannot control what comes out of their mouths. I think this is extra true of people in Cyberspace..

  3. James Marrison says:

    Welcome to the Internet. We also have a large anount who opine with emotion and illogic, even without pseudonyms. They look to be argumentative and acusitory while failing to intellectually address substantive topics. It won’t matter whether or not you continue to allow the anonymity or require a quasi background check, the human element will not go away. You may receive a few less posts, but only time would tell. Good luck on which ever way you decide to go.
    What I’ve notice in that past year, is that when it gets to a relatively political or emotional topic, people on both sides, and sometimes the same side, throw logic to the winds. And that is never good. We’ll never win a cause or debate, by devising thos on our side with an unessisary sub argument. But hey, what do I know. I’m just one dude.

  4. tomaso says:

    agreed!….the only difference from what i post and what i would say face to face is sentence composition …..but not by much = )

    Iv been on line since the AOL chat room days, posters fall into 3 categories.. those that speak like they would face to face, those that find an outlet for how they really wish they could speak face to face and assholes. at anyone time posters can exhibit 2 out of 3 of the categories.

    Then again don’t listen to me I’m usually wrong whatever i post..LOL

    • Ash says:

      It’s LOL-funny because it’s true… And I can include myself in that formula from time to time.

  5. joe says:

    when is the army camo pattern being released?

  6. James Marrison says:

    *** dividing those****

  7. Toby@BCT says:

    I find it funny, how there are so many “expert” opinions. I have been at my game for over 19 years. Those that know me know my profession and title. I am not one to boast or make wild accusations. So those people who just want to bash a competitor or make wild/stupid statements, well let it be said that they are acting as fools. Let not our minds be troubled by such ignorance and arrogance; when the Zombies come they get eaten first. Oh, by the way Eric, when they do come. I got your back brother. Plenty to go around at my hacienda. Stay safe all.

    • Well said Toby, I think people forget that thing we were taught to be back in the day… you know… the silent professional. To me it seems like the ones that get on here and other forums posting stuff that trashes a particular company stems from a lack of confidence in his or her own product. Here’s a novel thought, embrace the innovation and up your game.

  8. a7pointstar says:

    You really have to wonder about the stability of those that are so vehement about any position which they may take that the exercise of good judgment and lack of social awareness is totally forgotten, ignored, dismissed or intentionally disregarded. The ability of people to work and play well together is high under-rated. There is a reason people are “voted off the island.” Being socially-unaware, is a BIG one in my book. Everyone knows about opinions and “adam henries” (read between the lines). We all have them.

    -Let the quality of your product(s) do the talking. Word of mouth from a customer is the best advertisement in this niche market.

    -Don’t take criticism personality. Use it to be constructive and better your game, both in your product and it’s delivery.

    -Don’t be a troll. Even your friends will eventually leave you behind.

    -Treat others as you would like others to treat you…..unless you area sadistic sociopath or a masochist. Your mistreatment of others will detract from YOUR business eventually……and then where you be?

    Don’t take yourself so seriously that your opinion is the only one. It may not even be the right one, so get over yourself! Learn, teach, inspire, survive. Live to fight another day and still have soemone that will watch your six!

  9. Agent_Orange says:

    I enjoy the comments at SSD when they have interesting and constructive things to say – sometimes you will learn some stuff too. But like most comment sections anywhere on the internet, they tend to fill up with the filthy excrement generated by the potty-fingers out there. You will find yourself using the God Gun a lot.

  10. Merv says:

    Some of you may remember netiquette. The rules are still around, but with the influx of people on the internet they’re pretty much disregarded.

    Emily Postnews Netiquette has always been a wonderfully sarcastic view of people on the net, and I recommend reading that when getting exasperated less-than-well-thought-out responses.

    “Don’t feed the Trolls!”

  11. Johnny Come Lately says:

    Don’t even pretend that this post isn’t a secret message to your Illuminati pals. I’m on to you!

  12. Matt Peters says:

    In unanimity there may well be either cowardice or uncritical thinking. –Marion J. Levy Jr.

  13. Kevin says:

    Agreed. I think its the age we live in partly thanks to the internet.

  14. Hank F says:

    Wait wait wait… So what you’re saying is that if it isn’t a good idea to talk shit to a big dude that was in Delta at a bar… Prob not a good idea here also???


  15. Stupid posts I can deal with most times. It’s the industry shills that drive me nuts. I can’t create a better product then my competitor so instead I’m going to create wild statements and accusations about the owners, origins of the product and the women who gave birth to these evil men.

    Instead of wasting time on the Internet bashing their competitors they should spend that time making superior products.

    • Haji says:

      Well, yeah…but that’s like…work and stuff.

      The assumption that they’ll get over with it is what I find entertaining. Sure there are plenty of people who think they know and are wrong, or don’t know the whole story, but overall, the majority are pretty knowledgeable.

  16. dconway says:

    There is a marked difference between people who post using a handle or anon versus “owning” it by using your real name. I’ve noticed that many on Facebook post more responsibly when their Mom is in their friends list.

    • SSD says:

      That is awesome

    • Darius137 says:

      I use this handle everywhere. Also my mom is on my friends list on Facebook. I post gibberish, but I try to make it funny or informative.

      Also, my mom made me take down all the garbage on my Facebook page because of jobs and respectability.

      … I’m 30. :-\

  17. MGunz says:

    As sometime writer, many times I’ve felt the vicious attacks of reader’s comments. A few years back I used to write a monthly column for the “Marine Times”. Generally I got great feedback, but I also got some serious personal attacks. A few times I had people (Marines, other military members, retirees and even some dependents) attack my patriotism, my personal courage and my eyesight over the opinion pieces I wrote. I found it especially odd as I wrote several of these in 2005 when I was sitting on a MRE box at a remote FOB in the middle of Iraq? Late when I published my book i also had some pretty brutal comments aimed at me. I had people call me old and out of touch because I made the case that people in the military that won’t (or can’t) maintain at least an entry level of physical conditioning should be discharged. At first I took these attacks personal, but I’ve come to realize that everyone has an opinion, and right or wrong they are entitled to it. Doesn’t mean its right or even based on any real facts, experience or common sense. Its just an opinion, and people with half a brian quickly recognize these foolish comments for what they are, pure bullshit. So just blow it (them) off, I do.
    Semper Fi

  18. Mohican says:

    I think useless comments come with open Internet. You can’t avoid them unless you apply censorship, but that would be objective so just ignoring useless comments seems to be the way and just censor offensive comments.

    Keep pushing with this. is just pure gold! The best source for good and updated info!

  19. dickydoodee says:

    keep stroking each others cocks boys

  20. DV says:

    sadly the trend that has become prevalent on the internet will continue… *shrug*

  21. Jay Nguyen says:

    “Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.” ? Robert E. Howard

    • Darius137 says:

      I really like that quote. I’ll have to start using it.

      • tomaso says:

        its why the older generation of guys have a bit more boys if you mouthed off you had to be ready to get punched….kinda the same reason why girls will throw insults for hrs at each its the unfortunate thing about the new generations more civilized upbringing.

  22. adil says:

    Free Speech IS a responsibility. It’s incumbent upon free people to have the responsibility to use this freedom well. Free speech is about being to put across your ideas without reproach but it does not mean that a person can use it for ill intent. It is sad that in our day and age reason is being lost to a crazy world where anything can pass off as free speech

  23. Duke says:

    Commenting on the internets is like being able to punch people with a cloak of invisibility… at least you think so, until it has very not-so-fun real-world (as if there was a different world that applies to the Internet) ramifications abruptly show up.

  24. Toby@BCT says:

    Over opinionated, self centered, been no where, and done nothings can sit on here and point out flaws with out having had to carry the green tick on their back. It’s fine, useless comments and the internet go together like flat bread and jihad. I am thankful for all of you on here who have or are still(like myself) towing the line. Be proud of yourself even if you don’t want to be. I know those few of us are just doing our jobs but, we are doing the right thing. As for SSD, thank you for your hard work and your open mind to allow those of us on here to post, especially me, I have not yet even built a reputation for my company and you continue to support me and show my ideas. To you I am forever thankful.

  25. Sgt B says:

    I agree with SSD. To a point, there are a lot of rogue commenters on here that stray away from the main topic. I can only speak for myself when I say that I try to keep to the subject and post something I feel is something I would say face-to-face. On the other side of the spectrum, there is a group of people who are so blind about the consequences of writing checks their handles can’t cash. The internet never forgets, so comment wisely.

  26. GW AYERS says:

    Most of the people in my segment of the industry are friendly and are comfortable with each other. Why it would be good to trounce a competitor’s product is lost on me. There is always good natured ribbing done face to face. I submit to the readers of SSD that those that practice this kind of mud slinging will be culled and not invited to the good parties.

  27. James G. says:

    Dude, I delete dozens of stupid comments everyday

    Everyone is a tough guy on the internet


  28. james says:

    As always consider the source…

    and if you do not have anything nice to say… STFU!

    Stupid is as stupid does!

  29. SSD says:

    Some people are Koookoo for cocoa puffs. Wow…