FirstSpear TV

HyperStealth Explains Why the US Army Is Looking For Camouflage In The First Place

Hyperstealth’s front man Guy Cramer has written a rather extensive look at the recent history of US Army camouflage development. Inspired by the large number of online commenters stating that OD provided the best camouflage, he dug into his archives to demonstrate that this isn’t the case at all and goes one step further by using the US Army’s documentation to make the case for environmental specific camo patterns and explain why the Army ended up conducting the Camouflage Improvement Effort.


Cramer is very open about the fact that he worked with ADS Inc to offer the US4CES family of patterns so he has some very staunch opinions about camouflage. In my opinion, this doesn’t color his article but it’s worth knowing while you read it all the same. Ultimately, it is definitely worth your time to read.


31 Responses to “HyperStealth Explains Why the US Army Is Looking For Camouflage In The First Place”

  1. Bob says:

    He has written a good article. He makes it clear that “solutions” people present as easier or good enough, are not. He also adds a little clarity to the murky waters that surrounded the development and fielding of UCP, putting it all together in one place. The only criticism I can offer is this: while the nylon goods are more durable and could be an added cost to be switched over to whatever new pattern is selected, in the end it won’t be added cost. The war has used up that gear at a greater pace than we perhaps anticipated. After even a single deployment, wear and tear has rendered most gear I used unservicable, and the remainder was completely ruined after a second deployment. If fielding is integrated into either deployment or reset, the additional costs will probably be negligable.

    That minor criticism aside, he certainly did a good job explaining the whole process for us laymen.

  2. JM says:

    Tons of great information. Well done!

  3. MikeP says:

    “The U.S. Army Phase IV Baseline patterns:
    Woodland/Tropical = AOR2
    Transitional= Multicam
    Desert/Arid= AOR1”

    Sounds like the SEALs have been rocking the best cammies for awhile now…

    • Brandon says:

      I was thinking the same thing. Honestly, I think the Army could have taken those three patterns and ran with them since they came out on top. In a way, I am glad that they continued to find something better. When I read those results and how they were better than MARPAT, I thought screw the Marines. They can keep their MARPAT and the Army, Navy and Air Force ought to tell them to keep their hands off when they realize they do not have the most effective camo. Then, in reality, they should all be in the same uniform at the end of the day. I am glad the Marines got the ball rolling here in the states though. Also, I would love to see what the experimental digital woodland and digital DCU looked like.

      • Joe Nobody says:

        WTF?! How do we know someone did not line their pockets with contract money, by putting UCP into the supply system? Does anyone have an intelligent answer for this one?

        I know this is a bold, but I have yet to see/hear a good response to the question.

    • Ranger UP says:

      If you mix AOR1 and AOR2 pouches, LBE and uniform, you have a pretty good transitional patern. I have seen it used and looks really good even when used next to multicam.

      • ST Doc says:

        I do it. I have AOR1(& other digital desert patterns), AOR2, MultiCam, MAS Grey, and Ranger Green on my kit. I laugh when I see people who have SEAL “impressions” that only have one pattern.

  4. majrod says:

    Thanks for a great link SSD. The top notch info objectively presented is the reason I visit SSD a couple of times every day.

    Great job!

    I wrote an article for a blog and will be putting up a post and link.

  5. Paralus says:

    Even the IDF uses camouflage mesh suits worn over their ODs.

    OD is great….for a garrison uniform.

  6. Joe Nobody says:

    SSD, I did not post such a question just to feed the trolls. I only asked because UCP is such a terrible attempt at concealment, it causes suspicion. The seemingly logical assumption for many troops is that (ehemm…) someone blessed-off UCP for his own benefit. I am not trying to spread this rumor. I am only trying to address the shady contracting theory head on.

    • SSD says:

      You’re the only one with that theory.

      • Guy Cramer says:

        As the U.S. Government controls the pattern – there were no royalties to pay out on the Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP). Thus there was no money to be made by someone or some group selecting this over one of the other NATICK developed patterns.

      • JohnnyB says:

        Thanks, Mr. Cramer, for the intelligent and informative answer. I took the liberty of copying some of the posts from another site to reflect on just how widespread Joe Nobody’s proposed theory really is…

        “I would like to know which Gen. is getting rich off changing camos all the time.. there are only good if you don’t move,, thats why generals like them so much.”


        “Seven different camo patterns since 2002? Sounds like some Generals close to retirement got some good kickbacks and retirement jobs for choosing certain companies. Same with a lot of other procurement contracts. DoD should have inter-agency panels making the decisions based on effectiveness, performance and cost. No rank above Captain should be allowed on the panels. End users only. The guy getting shot at and eating dirt deserves to make those choices.”


        “Boy-o-boy here we go again padding some sorry A**s senators local union and textile plant.Just go back to the old forrest camo and desert patterns and leave it alone.Hey mabe Tiger stripes………Nam68”


        “I suspect that someone is making a lot of money every time we change the camo pattern on the uniforms.”


        “Sounds like a Congressman or two have been approached by a clothing manufacturer probably from China or Mexico,for a contract in trade for a re-election contribution, If they want to do something with the uniforms, let’s see some class As being worn in public, especially in Church. baggy Cammo and boots, when not in the field just looks trashy and low class. And another thing: there are only so many people that can pull off wearing a beret, and not look like they should also have a poodle in tow.”


        “I have wondered for over 30 years of dumb a$$ uniform cganges who is profiting from all these changes. I entered the Navy in 1981 and had 2 working uniform changes within 3 months of leaving bootcamp… and that was only the beginning! The military is the classic “blind leading the deaf” organization where the leadership has no real fiscal responsibility and is NEVER held accountable.”


        “It all boils down to money and politics when it comes to outfitting our troops. Rarely is it ever about what is best for the task. Kickbacks, payoffs, and favor returns are usually the main factors when selecting the gear needed.”


        “This, and these, purchases are NOT really about the Generals.. or the uniformed services. .This IS about continuing to STUFF the pockets of the Obama/Biden cronies and to give, again, to these bunch of robbers, thieves, another MILLIONS of Dollars, at the taxpayer expense.. MORE AND MORE tax and spend.. ALL designed to literally DESTROY the United States of America. These tyrants will stop at nothing and are picking away at every area of the nation’s economy. Nothing is forbidden. and, this said, it is NOT just the President and his thugs, it is ALSO a majority of Congress. Reid? Just another thieving dishonest and evil CROOK. When will the American people have enough? They are mad, many are angry, but NOT angry enough.”


        “What, again? New uniforms mean lots of money for the military-industrial complex….”


        • SSD says:

          I read those comments and it sounds like someone broke out the stupid bat and beat every one one of those people senseless. I am now dumber for having been exposed to that.

          • JohnnyB says:


            Mr. Cramer,

            Thanks so much for setting the record straight!

            • SSD says:


              Wherever that place is, take what is said with a grain of salt.


    • CamoReader says:

      UCP was the result of a few stupid officers.
      Even if they thought urban combat was the future. It still doesn’t justify them calling the pattern “universal”

      • JBAR says:

        At least for me, the entire fiasco is centered around the choice of UCP. No matter if the uniform was really chosen as a tradeoff of NIR/etc. performance, was meant for an expected urban war, or whatever, how could anyone possibly ever say that the colors are safe? It is just so overly outrageous how much the uniform sticks out in the field. How could anyone propose the change in the first place, and also how could it get final approval without someone saying wait a minute. This thing would only work in a few settings, but would be outright dangerous?

  7. Marcos says:

    good article. he collected the info off of various power points that i’ve scrounged up over the years.

    now the next step is to get the Marines to see that using solid coyote for PPE is counter productive and just makes their very effective camo much less effective

    • Guy Cramer says:

      For the most recent 2009 NATICK test they did test with matching PPE for MARPAT Woodland and MARPAT Desert and with close solid color PPE.

      They found that in Sandy Desert that Desert MARPAT with matching PPE and Desert MARPAT with Khaki PPE tested close to equal.

      For Cropland/Woodland terrain they concluded that Woodland MARPAT with matching PPE and Woodland MARPAT with Ranger Green PPE were close to equal

      For Mountainous terrain the concluded that Woodland MARPAT with matching PPE and Ranger Green PPE and Coyote PPE were close to equal

      • Marcos says:

        however, notice that they used a tan solid color for the desert test and a green solid color for the woodland. both of those solid colors are a closer match for the predominate colors in each environment than solid coyote.

        the current solid coyote PPE is very dark for a desert environment (creating a silhouette effect on the upper body) and too light and solid an area with no contrast/depth in the woodland environment. IMO, a ‘hybrid’ pattern containing the major elements of both the desert and woodland pattern would be most effective for a PPE camo. something along the lines of where the British were going the DPM PECOC pattern for PPE:

        this is also where i think US4CES has missed the mark a bit on its PPE pattern. it seems to be more geared to blending with the desert and transitional patterns and as such, is too light when used with the woodland pattern. imo, it needs the darker green from the woodland pattern included in place of maybe the khaki-ish color in the PPE pattern. again, just imo…

        • Guy Cramer says:

          In order to produce one OCIE/PPE pattern for US4CES I had to compromise with the colors, as did all the competitors. From what we’ve heard they all used their transitional pattern for their OCIE. If I had done the same, the green in our Transitional coloration would have stood out in the Arid/Desert pattern. The detection distances in Desert are much farther then either of the other two as there is usually little cover (pattern and color becomes critical), so it was better to not risk the detection for that environment versus the Woodland. Another large consideration for the OCIE was the NIR/SWIR reflection with the colors across all environments, ADS Inc. testing on this showed we were excellent.

  8. Captain Smoof says:

    Interesting article!!

    Makes our CADPAT “relish” seem slightly cooler…

  9. MichaelBronson says:

    An aspect many are omitting is that camoflauge as a whole is the sum of its parts.

    Until Field Grade Officers publish their intent that weapon systems and SOPMOD accessories be camoflauged / spray painted, ancillary items such as radio antennaes, NOD brackets & mounting solutions and NODS themselves, eye protection frames be camoflauged effectively any and all fielding will not be as effective as it could be.

    The most effective camoflauge pattern uniform is outright useless when standing behind a target indicator black weapon system.

    • Buckaroomedic says:

      Very good point! I wonder if the Army has looked at a new style and/or color of boots and undershirts to go with the new patterns?

  10. Buckaroomedic says:

    Great read. A lot of info succinctly worded. It will be very interesting to see who has been selected and what the fielding time-line will be. Many of the soldiers I see, walking around, are really starting to look like soup sandwiches. I wonder if everyone is waiting for the new camo before getting new uniforms?

  11. Jon Meyer says:

    Very good read. I am curious to what AOR-universal looks like as it talks about AOR-1&2 as well. I searched and can’t find any pictures.. Anyone know?

    Another good read about history of pixelated camo and digital camo (if I am aloud to post):

    As far as PPE; If I was in still in the military I would want a transitional pattern like they are looking to adopt but as a civilian or any other role I’ll stick with Coyote and Ranger Green. They are excellent solid colors and work well in a multitude of environments as already stated.

  12. Gary says:

    Very informative article.

  13. JohnnyB says:

    Would the real JohnnyB please stand up?

    Mr post-a-bunch-of-comments-from-other-sites: Get an original name.