GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Blade Show – Steel Flame


Steel Flame has introduced these new MOLLE Bands. Made from copper, they take on a great patina and Derrick stamps various symbols into the MOLLE Band which fits a standard PALS bar. They are a little bit of a bear to get in place but once they’re there, they aren’t going anywhere.


In addition to what you see, Derrick shared that he plans to introduce Christian Crosses, Jewish Stars of David and Buddhist Wheels so that wearers can display their religious beliefs. He also mentioned working toward offering unit symbols as well. These are a great morale item whether military, LE or civilian.



7 Responses to “Blade Show – Steel Flame”

  1. DA says:

    These are amazing! any word on when they will be available?

  2. Matt says:

    Buddhist Wheels?

  3. Mark says:

    “We need to talk about your flair…”

  4. steave says:

    Whats the point of these?