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Posts Tagged ‘Steel Flame’

Cool Wakizashi Inspired Magazine Mod by ORCA Industries

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015


Orca Industries was inspired by the “little” sword used by Japanese Samurai when they modified these HK VP9 mag extensions. The wakizashi effect was created by combining Tsuka Ito wrap and Dragon Menuki from Steel Flame.

“What Do You Want To See KCRF On” Contest

Monday, March 24th, 2014

What product do you want to see the KCRF logo on next? Let us know in the comments section below, and you could win a prize.


10 lucky winners will be the recipient of a prize pack consisting of a KCRF patch made by Mojo Tactical and a SSD-themed SFI MOLLE Clip made by Steel Flame.

It's a Mystery!

3 additional winners will receive a super secret, mystery patch also made by Mojo Tactical.

To enter:

1. In the comments section of THIS article on SSD share what product you’d like to see the KCRF logo on next. Only entries here are eligible to win.

2. Comments are open from now until 1200 Zulu on 25 March 2014.

3. Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winner.

4. 13 winners will be selected at random from the comments we receive.

5. One entry per email address. We will delete entries that violate this policy.

6. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.

I Am Humbled…

Friday, February 7th, 2014

As you can imagine, SHOT Show is hectic. On Monday, I started to receive phone calls and texts from my friend Andrew Ho saying he had something for me. I didn’t know it at the time but he was working as a courier for Derrick Obatake of Steel Flame who had him carry a surprise to Las Vegas for me. It took several back and forths before we finally linked up, and by that time the ‘package’ was burning a hole in Andrew’s pocket. Unbeknownst to me, he had even gone so far to post a photo to my Facebook wall and handed out some of the contents to mutual fiends. Once we linked up, Andrew handed me a small ziploc bag. I opened it and it turned out to be filled with copper dogtags. Each one was carefully stamped with the SSD logo. These beauties were accompanied with a simple card (seen below). I was floored.

Humbled I say, Humbled

Derrick had asked me months ago for a copy of my logo and said he would have a surprise for me one day. Truth be told, I had completely forgotten about it. What a guy. While we gave most of them away at SHOT Show to some really great people, we’re holding a few back to give away to our readers. So keep your eyes peeled for that.

Even though we’ve only met a few times, Derrick honored me by doing something completely selfless. He is one of the most giving men I have ever known and I can only hope to make it up to him. I’ve been wanting to thank him for a few weeks now but I felt it best to wait for things to die down a little.

If you’ve got a jewelry project and need some top notch work, I cannot recommend Steel Flame enough.

Blade Show – Steel Flame

Friday, May 31st, 2013


Steel Flame has introduced these new MOLLE Bands. Made from copper, they take on a great patina and Derrick stamps various symbols into the MOLLE Band which fits a standard PALS bar. They are a little bit of a bear to get in place but once they’re there, they aren’t going anywhere.


In addition to what you see, Derrick shared that he plans to introduce Christian Crosses, Jewish Stars of David and Buddhist Wheels so that wearers can display their religious beliefs. He also mentioned working toward offering unit symbols as well. These are a great morale item whether military, LE or civilian.

Steel Flame Opens Webstore

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

Founded by Southern California native Derrick Obatake, the company Steel Flame specializes in jewelry and other morale items. Derrick is a Master Jeweler and Graduate Gemologist with over 32 years experience. He is also an avid shooter and knife collector and the culmination of his professional and recreational pursuits is now available to the masses through the new website.


Steel Flame Takes It Up a Notch

Friday, September 7th, 2012

You may remember Steel Flame’s rail mounted skull from Tactical Fanboy’s SHOT Show coverage. It’s just a little something to give your range gun some bling. Now, they’ve taken in up a notch with this new creation seen here on this Rifle Dynamics AK.

If I could describe Steel Flame in one word it would be “passion”. A Native of Southern California, founder Derrick Obatake is a Master Jeweler and Graduate Gemologist with over 32 years experience. After many successful years in the jewelry game he decided to launch Steel Flame. It is the ultimate culmination of his passions, his meticulous talent and his restless imagination. I had the honor of meeting Derrick during a recent trip to the LA area and let me tell you, this guys is awesome! He didn’t know me from Adam and brought my family and me in for a visit. We toured the shop and I can tell that he has found his niche. What’s more, Derrick is humble. He regularly uses his talent to work behind the scenes to raise money for LE and military causes. He is also an avid shooter and knife collector. This guy is our kind of people. His work is not cheap, but when you look at the detail, it’s worth every penny to someone who values innovation and craftsmanship.

Like them on Facebook and visit to learn more.