RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Spot the F.E.A.R. Camo

Looking’ pretty good!



13 Responses to “Spot the F.E.A.R. Camo”

  1. Sukaforlife says:

    That’s pretty dam good.

  2. PbLead says:

    Good… but only works against rocky terrain. Throw in some green and you’re done.

  3. Bill says:

    Looks good, but a lot of these camo shots (not just your site) is always in such low resolution and the company’s promo shots are always against rocks (Kryptek).

  4. Ken says:

    As soon as the page loaded from typing the link in my browser I spotted it. I don’t think that’s a good thing.

  5. Firewalker says:

    Saw it on the thumbnail… On facebook… On my phone… Instantly. Not terribly good,

  6. Buckaroomedic says:

    I wonder how long they had to scout for that perfect background?

  7. Paralus says:

    Holy Elven Cloaks, Batman!

  8. Peter Simms says:

    Looks very good.

  9. James says:

    Well what do you expect after the ACU’s and Airforce tiger stripe gray uniforms? = Garbage

    We have demonstrated incompetence and not for one year, but for over 6 years. Day one I knew the ACU was a failure, but when we submitted info to PEO about it, we were ignored. If you have an organization that is demonstrating incompetence with over 140 Generals, some one has to step in and then tell the Organization, “NO, You- will do this”. What is sad is how long we wore the ACU’s and we can not give it away to 3rd world countries- they won’t accept it.

    The only ones who did not demonstrate incompetence and who’s research costs were under $300,000 were the Marines. They at least used some damn common sense. Congress approves our budgets, tells us to go to war, does all the big decisions- if the Army made some competent decisions after 6+ years Congress wouldn’t have to step in.

    Congress are civilians for the most part. It is sad that our organization is so messed up that a politician has to step in to demand change- now.
    There are plenty of GO’s in the Army that would be content to sit in their air conditioned offices and do nothing but earn a paycheck at the expense of our Infantry Soldiers dying if we deploy tomorrow to some 3rd world Central American Country or Conflict. Camo, is not some “who cares” factor- it keeps people alive or we can just wear ASU’s like the British Redcoats did in the 1770’s and how well did that go for them.

    We have our Soldiers taking the ACU’s and dying them in mud down range to make them brownish- that is past incompetence- that is a crime against our Soldiers- 140+ General Officers and not one in 6+ years had the guts to step forward except the new CSA and a Congressman. The camo is not a failure as is our lack of Leadership and common sense. What do we pay these “CEO’s” for if the first thing you do is put your uniform on and can’t look in the mirror to see it is BS. It damaged our reputation as a Military and it put our Soldiers at risk that no one stepped up to change. Men that risk their life to be shot at- was not good enough for all the GO’s to step in and say “No, this is wrong”. They let it go for years until our current CSA and one Congressman. We brought this on ourselves- failure in leadership- lack of a backbone by people we pay six figures to and hold CEO status- over 140+ of them. The sequester can not happen fast enough to get rid of some of them just collecting pay checks and not effectively making common sense decisions for our force. If they don’t operate at the big boy level and want to put their head in the sand for 6+ years and ignore test results for fashion statements… at least someone finally stood up and said “NO!” All those CSM’s- thousands, all those General Officers- more like 200+ since some have retired over 6+ years… not one had the moral courage to step up and use their good old boy network to stop this- that is the failure and not the uniform. All they had to do was change the colors in it!

    If you can not even dress right, I don’t think you can make other common sense decisions either- it damaged our reputation globally as being a bunch of idiots with too much money.

    The movie- Pentagon Wars come to mind- people holding job positions and getting paid way too much money for obvious decisions that no one has the guts to tell the truth. Just keep funding it – Billions and who cares. It’s only tax payer money. I live in an air conditioned office and will get my next star.

    Well, one GO did care and he serves in Congress- thank god for that.