SureFire XC3

Chris Kyle Frog – A New Website and New Logo

For most of us, when we hear the name Chris Kyle we think of three things; SEAL Sniper, Punisher Logo and unfortunately, tragic loss. I am told that before his death, he was working on a new logo that would be just about him, as the Punisher logo he had long used was now as much a part of Craft International as it was his. His life was cut short and he wasn’t able to unveil it himself, but his wife Taya has taken up his legacy and not only launched his new logo but also a new website.


Check out for the latest info as well as items emblazoned with the new logo that incorporates Kyle’s identity as a SEAL in both trident and frog which he had as a tattoo as well as the Crusader Cross he had tattooed on his arm.


6 Responses to “Chris Kyle Frog – A New Website and New Logo”

  1. Foster Wendell says:

    The best thing we can do for Chris Kyle is to buy both books.
    “American Gun & American Sniper”. F. Wendell USN retired

  2. Dave Murray says:

    Already have both books! Are you going to do patches with the CK Frog logo?

  3. mike ladner says:

    just finished american gun it was a great book going out tomorrow tobuy
    american sniper great book .sorry for the loss of chris god bless

    mike ladner

  4. Tony Steer says:

    Read both books and great reading

    All the best to Taya for finishing American Gun
    From the Land down Under Australia