SureFire XC3

Tactical Class Finder

Tactical Class Finder aka TAC-Finder is a new web-based resource to help you find trainers as well as gear shops. The gear shop side of this sounds awesome. I constantly run across guys wondering what is available while they are on the road.

And, while I like the folks running this thing, I’m kind of curious about the “unbiased” aspect. Since they claim that the industry is in desperate need of an unbiased source for information and they plan to be it, I wonder what those “packages” they offer are all about. Sounds like they plan on taking money for listings. With that, somebody is going to claim that you are biased. Welcome to the big leagues.

At any rate, I can guarantee they will see some issues arise with the trainer part of this. There is no way around it. For example, are they going to open up their listings to every Tom, Dick and Harry out there? Just associating with some trainers will garner this fledgling site a bad reputation, at least in some circles. And then you’ve got to wonder if the top level trainers are going to want to lend their credibility to a site that will contain their competitors and by association legitimize them. It’s going to be tough nut to crack.

It’s an ambitious undertaking. I spoke to quite a few folks about doing this last year but with so many bullshit artists in the training market, I took a pass. I’ll keep an eye on how this goes for them. I wish them luck.

What is your centrally located source of weapons, gear, and training information? In reality, there isn’t one. This industry is in desperate need of an unbiased source of training options, ranges, and gear. TACFinder and Righteous Duke Media has created the perfect, hi-tech but easy to use website as the solution. With the goal of becoming the one-stop “find what you need” source Tactical Class Finder can help the novice or professional alike locate what they need.

This system has been built on an expandable platform that is ready to add on reviews, a community, endless page count, an e-zine blog and can maintain an unlimited volume of data!

The search feature is integrated with custom icons, google maps, and has the ability of finding each location down to GPS coordinates with fully customized search fields designed for Tactical Class Finder.

TAC-Finder is first & foremost a resource for the student-at-arms and consumer of firearms and tactical goods. TAC-Finder is not affiliated (i.e.,strategically allied) with any one organization/trainer/facility. TAC-Finder maintaining a professional neutrality in that we do not “play favorites”, meaning TAC-Finder does NOT show differential treatment to one organization/trainer/range over another.

Do you really want to get the student’s attention? TAC-Finder has service packages available giving a more in-depth look at you and your business. With TAC-Finder you can display pictures, media, and fully detailed class information and your business profile; everything you would want to show to your potential student or consumer-at-arms.

For more information regarding terms of use, packages available, or code of conduct please visit


13 Responses to “Tactical Class Finder”

  1. Tom says:

    I am smelling another training market SCAM. Probably some new guy has teamed up with a gear company or Internet dealer to sell their classes & gear to us while pretending to be “Unbiased”.

    I predict a colossal flop that will be dead in six months when the market place figures it out.

    • ACE says:

      I don’t think that’s the case. I believe TAC-Finder is trying to be an aggregate for reputable training.

      And no, I don’t work for them 😉

  2. bob says:

    I don’t think this will last. Anyone with Google, or who follows a lot of the major trainers around the country knows how to find where and when classes are available. For gear while traveling? Google.

  3. JimS says:

    Like cold fusion, a great concept.

  4. Zach says:

    This has the potential to be a great service finder and rating system. Really at the end of the day how many of us have recieved training (good training) from someone other than one of the big box names? One of the better trainers I personally have worked with doesn’t have a major website or a dramatic YouTube channel… Because he does not know how to build a website that doesn’t look like a low grade template. Incidentally though he is a stellar shooter and trainer which is what I’m looking for. Do I recommend him? Absolutely, so why not give the guy a chance to sell what he does best which is training not writing HTML.

    • SSD says:

      I agree, but I’ll ask the question, if he’s not the kind of a guy to have a flashy website, why would he pay for placement on a commercial website?

      • Zach says:

        It’s a small investment by comparison to a full blown website, with no upkeep on their end it leaves them free to do what they (at least in their view) do best. Train and sell, put simply put your service out there and let your customers give you something way better than a cool website, a positive review and good publicity. YMMV

  5. Roger says:

    My Spider Man senses are banging away like Big Ben.

    – Notice how you have to put in your email address to gain access?

    What do you want to bet you start receiving emails/SPAM from the dealer/instructor behind this?

    – 2.TAC-Finder is not affiliated (i.e.,strategically allied) with any one organization/trainer/facility

    I’d bet this is a joke or a slightly clever play on words. Probably means more than one instructor is involved. Same goes for the dealers

    I also think this info can be found with any Internet search engine and/or forum search. I honestly believe this is just an attempt by one or more organizations teaming up to funnel people in the direction they want.

    Hide and watch. Once we find out who’s really behind this it won’t look so harmless & inocent.

  6. Matt says:

    So who is behind it?

    Why the big secret? If its just supposed to help and not just be a scam to get our email addresses and sell gear & classes they should be up front about things now.

    • zach says:

      Not the owner, or an employee… I just work with the owner at our real job. The only email requirement is if you wish to list your school or service.There are already several listings even some that could be considered “rivals” on the page… if only there was a way to contact some of these listings and see if they were getting shammed……….

      • Matt says:

        Zach, I think the mere fact that you have acknowledged anyone else in this industry are “Rivals” proves this isn’t a service, unbiased, etc website.

        If you’re in the industry no doubt this website is intended ultimately to funnel business towards you.

        Anybody else you signs up are merely camouflage.

  7. Paul says:

    I thought its a great concept. Before registering as a vendor I always like to know who I am dealing with. So I red the “about us” page. it never explained who are the people behind it(what are you hiding) sent an email with bunch of questions never received an answer.Either its a scam or they so unorganized that they cant even answer my questions.

  8. Casey says:

    I am the owner of TACFinder.
    I received an email from you dated 21 JUN 13/ 1121, which was titled “Services Inquiry (2nd Attempt)” wherein you ask me to contact you at my convenience.
    I did a quick search of the inbox (500+messages) and was unable to locate your original email. It should be noted that I don’t delete emails, however I am human and mistakes certainly do happen.
    According to the phone log on my iPhone, I attempted to call you at 1513 on the same date. I left a voice mail with my information for you to call me back with my apologies for having missed your inquiry. I then sent an email to that effect at 1519 the same date.
    As yet I have received no response to either method of contact.
    If you’d like to discuss this further, please, feel free to email or call me at 727 431 2343…in fact any of you should feel free to do so. I’d love to discuss your concerns. And tell you exactly who I am. Since there is apparently some concern about that.
    Be advised, my “real job” is being a cop on midnight shift. As such, I’m generally unavailable from about 0700 to 1300 daily. As I said I am only human, and need sleep occasionally.
    I hope this clears up anything you, or the others posting here, are looking for.