FirstSpear TV

Gunter’s List Of US Made Products


‘Gunter’s List of US Made Products’ is a list of 3300 companies that make products in the USA. For each entry there is an indicator stating if all or some of their product line is made in the USA, whether they’re domestic or foreign owned, and a link to their website. A content bar lists all the available categories and subcategories making navigation simple. Understandably, there’s a fair number of tactical gear, clothing, and firearms companies on the list, although the hundreds of other companies offering US-made products are also worth a look.

11 Responses to “Gunter’s List Of US Made Products”

  1. Wade says:

    hmmmm…did you say list?

  2. Suspicous Steve says:

    Chrome detected malware in that site …. hmmmmm

  3. sean says:

    I didn’t notice anything on my galaxy s3 using chrome, but someone on a forum I’m a member of did. I’m running avg on my phone as well.

  4. If you get a malware message, it will be one of the 3300 companies on the list, not the list itself, just let me know which company link is giving the issue and I will take care of it.


  5. jjj0309 says:

    It says is the problem.

  6. Luke says:

    Not sure if the list is just referring to the “made in america” section of the site, but the two “will leathergoods” bags I looked inside both said “assembled in mexico.”

    I was disappointed since I live pretty close to Will, maybe they’ve moved production since those bags were made.

  7. Luke says:
