TYR Tactical

BCM Puts Vickers Back In Black


LAV on his new BCM carbine. Look for more on this amazing new rail soon.

Larry Vickers – My #1 BCM Carbine

My latest BCM training gun is ready to go; it features a pre production aluminum/magnesium key mod BCM rail that is extremely lite !!! Add that to a BCM 14.5 hammer forged pencil barrel with pinned BCM gunfighter combination flash hider and comp the overall effect is for a carbine that handles extremely well!!

Of course an Aimpoint Micro is present and needless to say my signature sling, in black, from Blue Force Gear

Back in Black !!!

– Larry Vickers

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20 Responses to “BCM Puts Vickers Back In Black”

  1. jbgleason says:

    Black is the new Gray! I am so glad I saved all of my ancient solid black Tac Gear and the flight suits we dyed. Pretty sure the cool kids will be wearing it again in the near future…

  2. TM says:

    Is it a carbine or middy? I always thought LAV preferred fixed A-frame sights with carbine length gas systems…

  3. Andrew says:

    This new gun is intriguing, especially the rail. Looks like a top contender for best out of the box rifle along with the LaRue PredetOBR/AR & LWRCi SPR (all IMO of course).

  4. davan says:

    Looks like he had that carbine’s number well in advance

  5. Terry Warlock says:

    Is LAV not associated with DD anymore? Switching to BCM in sponsorship? Or does he just pump up good brands and products?

  6. reader says:

    i have not seen that rail on BCM website, is it new?

  7. JW says:

    So did Daniel Defense dump Vickers? I thought DD was the greatest rifle there is. Funny how $ and marketing works

    • Haji says:

      Their agreement ended last year. No drama.

    • Andrew says:

      I find it more funny how much the fanboys care about WHO LEFT WHO… Both are great guns… Business is business. I’d be willing to bet LAV would be glad to run BCM or DD in a combat environment.

      • JW says:

        LAV is legit but its just funny watching his videos as he preaches how the greatest ar is DD….wait err BCM now.

  8. Ahab says:

    I’d like to know Mr. Vickers’ opinion on the keymod system.

  9. Jon Meyer says:

    LAV never preached DD as the best over another brand. He has always mentioned DD with BCM and Colt. Ask him yourself.

    No one dumped anyone.

  10. ACE says:

    Any ETA on this ?

  11. Jordan says:

    SSD, do you happen to know any dope on this rail? Like when it will be available for purchase? Oh and I still havn’t gotten my SSD anniversary patch for sending you my “return fire..” image down on the border.. =-)