GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Did You Rely On Your Rifle Today?

What do you think of this new video from LWRCI?


14 Responses to “Did You Rely On Your Rifle Today?”

  1. SeeBowl says:

    I was waiting for the juicy kill at the end…maybe on the next commercial 🙂

  2. Pablo says:

    Slowly entry…need speed and weapon profile isn’t correct! My opinion.

  3. Stryker Magnum says:

    Today, I didn’t even have to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day.

  4. Andrew says:

    Video was awesome. Well done Gents.

  5. .308 says:

    is this guy praying? dumb.

    • Ethan says:

      Since I am unaware of any openly Christian sentiment from this company, I am inclined to believe that the idea was to show him reflecting on the day. But if you prefer, he could be praying.

  6. GrundleBurn says:

    That dude is smokin’ hot, bro!

  7. Chris says:

    they’re really trying to lock down the Jack Booted Thug market huh?

  8. SGT Rock says:

    Awesome roof breach. Death from above!

  9. B307 says:

    HOLY SHIT, LWRC finally figured out there’s this neat thing called marketing!

    Sorry JSOC0008, I’m going to have to call bullshit. First off no one I know in JSOC would use that as a user name on an open forum, Secondly NO ONE in SOF is looking to replace the HK 416. Did LWRC sell some rifles to some camel Jockeys yep sure did, and did you sell some REPRs to some Indo china ninjas sure. Yes I’ll acknowledge that OGA bought a couple test pieces but in terms of wide spread adoption by SOF you’re talking about, put the crack pipe down.

    Cool video though.

  10. ABC123 says:

    @B307 I wouldn’t call 700 items sent to a certain OGA test pieces. And the thousands already sent to several SF units bullshit. Obviously you have never been in procurement and had to deal with HK. And if you haven’t figured out yet, usernames are just that…user-names. If you don’t think supporting American made products is worth advocating, esp since the product is as good and less expensive, maybe you should go back to the air-soft forum where your immature attitude would be more appreciated. Or if you really got the connection, come down to Shaws in north Mississippi and we will let you run both and see what you think. But I doubt you can get in.