Lets see if any of you guys know who designed it.
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on Tuesday, August 6th, 2013 at 16:50 and is filed under Parachuting.
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CPT William P. Yarborough, accidentally commented on the previous post.
MG “Bill” Lee?
Doh! (Then) CPT Yarborough it is.
Designed it? Jump wings were not “Designed”! They were created by the gods and given to the titans and warriors who had the biggest balls!
Had to think for a while to remember CPT Yarborough, I earned mine around 25 years ago and needed a twix moment.
If you have wings, they better have been blood wings!
Basic Wings haven’t been pinned that way for a while. I know that Marines who retire their “Lead Sleds” do it with great fanfare.
I’ve been a round for a few late-night/photography-prohibited Senior/Master wing ceremonies…
Mine were bloody in ’08…
Yarborough also designed the paratrooper uniform of WWII fame, later to be resurrected by him as the first generation Nam jungle uniform.
William Yarborough. AND he designed the M-1942 Paratrooper jumpsuit and Jumpboots. You can’t pull a fast one a Jumpmaster troop!
oops meant on a……
Manufactured exclusively by Bailey Banks and Biddle (jeweler), who sadly, have gone out of business. Now I have no warranty on the wife’s engagement ring!
Larry Vickers?