B5 Systems

Bulldog Tactical CEO Jason Simione Arrested – Held Pending $5 Million Bond

Right up front, you should know, Bulldog Tactical is a long advertiser on SSD. Bulldog Tactical CEO Jason Simione appeared in bond court Tuessday morning charged with three counts of attempted solicitation to commit murder, threatening to place an explosive device and child abuse. According to Fort Lauderdale’s Channel 7 news, he is being held pending a $5 Million bond.

The charges are pretty heinous against Mr Simione but I know he is going through a very contentious divorce. This may play heavily on what is transpiring. Regardless, I can assure you, this isn’t something I ever want to have to write about. As additional information is available, we will share it.


20 Responses to “Bulldog Tactical CEO Jason Simione Arrested – Held Pending $5 Million Bond”

  1. Matt says:

    Well I’m real glad I didn’t accept his job offer!!!

  2. Sal Palma says:


    Here’s a link to the story. I have to admit to being somewhat befuddled. I met Jason a few years ago. He didn’t impress me as they type to do that. He’d probably drop kick your ass if the situation called for it – something smells not quite right here.

    • Joel Stoner says:

      It is quite common now days for spouses to file charges against their spouse in a divorce, in order to gain ground in the divorce case.

      • c-dub says:

        Many of the most serious accusations are coming from his employees, not his wife.

  3. apple says:

    both the articles i have read so far (the article linked in this story as well as what sal linked) and i am concerned that swat is now being used to settle petty domestic disputes. i would not be surprised if this ends with the ex wife getting slapped with a defamation law suit.

    i hope someone higher up smells what this really is (a scorned wife using her husbands love of fire arms/business against him) and takes care of it before the mud slinging starts nationally.

    at least in the first linked article it mentions that everything he had in his house he owned legally. somehow that is left out of the article sal linked and i am sure will be left out of the piers morgan special.

    • CV says:

      Trust me folks this is a 100% fabricated deal. I know Jason very well. There is a lot more to this story and I do believe that when it all comes out in the wash it will be his ex-wife going to jail.

  4. huh? says:

    Same old smears- he’s crazy, has guns, wants to kill kids and the president. Color me skeptical.

  5. redred1 says:

    Reason #734 not to get married

  6. Andrew says:

    As far as an indictment of this level is concerned, a DA would need more than he said she said. It seemed that from some of the sources they have employee witnesses. Many articles I read did stress that all his firearms were legally owned, but bomb making parts including galvanized steel pipe and other materials were recovered. Sometimes people go crazy and good people become bad. Look at Walter white!

  7. Joshua Respecki says:

    So because I have pipe at my house and I reload (have smokeless powder) I have bomb making supplies? Horseshit

    • Andrew says:

      Its not just that you have certain items, it’s the totality of the circumstances. The standard for Probable Cause is not beyond a Reasonable Doubt. That is what a jury is for, and in the event he is found innocent, and this was a story made up by his wife, at that time the DA may bring charges against her and he can bring a civil suit against her.

  8. Matt Smith says:

    Hummm. This just seems a little to convienent. The liberal scum are going to eat this up.

  9. Jason says:

    I get that the wife may be lying, but are all his employees out to get him too?

    “Employees said Simione threw his 9-month-old child onto a table at his office on Aug. 9, causing minor injuries to the baby.”

    “An employee at Simione’s company also told his wife that he sought his help to plot her murder. The employee claimed he refused. According to the affidavit, an employee said, “Jason Simione also said he did not care if his wife was raped by the hit man.””

    “Other employees said Simione threatened to kill President Obama on several occasions.”

    What do the employees gain by lying? Unemployment…?

  10. Brian says:

    Anyone, especially Type A personalities, can crack, throw in a divorce and steroids and you have explosives ready to go.

  11. body says:

    Media is spinning this into a shit funnel. Knowing jason on a personal level he loved his kid very much and would never put a finger on him or his wife. The prenuptial she signed entitled her to nothing. She needed to come up with another plan. Did you know she kidnapped the baby and was missing for a week. What about the so called gunpowder they found that was used to reload bullets..oh yeah . Had all the equipment to do that as well. Labeled as a survivor list…. doesn’t that make snyone that shops at costco and buys in bulk a prepper. Since when is it illegal to put bars on a Window. Every house in Hialeah has them. The truth will come out. Doesn’t look good for megumi.

  12. elaine says:

    i know jason personally. he can be obnoxious and loud-mouthed. so what? he has never hurt anybody. i never saw him be anything but kind and loving to may (megumi). he cried for a week straight when may took off with jett. he couldn’t find them anywhere. so she signed a prenup. she was waiting for her moment. she is an opportunist. she dragged her family into it. looks like this is her moment. and she’s back to stripping. the one thing she’s good at.

    • body says:

      I agree..has a big mouth and could be embarrassing out in public. . No filter basically. But would never hurt anyone. He should left her in hawaii where she was escorting. His dad was right about her..but jason didnt listen.

      • elaine says:

        i do want to say that if jay did actually solicit the murdering of his wife and her family then he should get what he deserves. obviously. it just doesn’t seem like him, especially not with jett. it’s unfortunate that when all is said and done, and i believe he will prevail, that his future will be forever changed. Jason’s made his fortune by working hard for it. i hope he just doesn’t lose it all because that ho-stripper needed to find a way to get to his money. he was smart to make her sign a prenup. he’s been screwed by women close to him in his life before. i guess when may realized she didn’t have any better offers, she went ahead and signed that prenup. anyways, when it comes right down to it, who really knows? he says, she says…. facts and PROOF. waiting to see that!