RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Attention All NAPs


Attention all NAPS* – Today is Airborne Day. Take a Knee. That is all. Carry on.

*NAP = Non Airborne Personnel aka Legs

9 Responses to “Attention All NAPs”

  1. See Bowl says:

    Death before dismount!!!! Happy airborne day you light jumpers. Call when you need a lift.

    Forever SBF,

  2. Doc B says:

    Hurray For Skeet School, etc.


  3. Aaron says:

    Back when it was elite…

  4. Sean says:

    Feet and knees together hooh?

  5. redbeard33 says:

    Dirty, nasty legs

  6. Canadian says:

    Mech yourself before you wreck yourself.

  7. GW says:

    Tons of Airborne Shock troops standing right next to my Mech friends at the VA…….

    Happy Airborne day! fight light, freeze at night….

  8. Stefan S. says:

    And who made the lowest and first combat jump? The Ginger Bread men of the 509th baby! Geronimo!

    The three worst things in America? Obama, Holder and a GD Dirty Nasty Leg!