SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Alpacka Raft, LLC

Alpacka Raft

Alpacka Raft, LLC is a company that specializes in durable, high-quality hand-built packrafts: small, portable inflatable boats designed for use in all bodies of water. Alpacka Raft rafts are built using urethane-coated nylon and manufactured using a sophisticated mix of sewing, welding, and gluing methods. The rafts are built with a single air chamber and two seat chambers, which is believed by Alpacka Raft to be the safest and most durable design for rafts of their size. Alpaka Rafts come in 12 models, designed for everything from a single rider on calm water to multiple riders on rapids. Alpacka Rafts are made in the USA.


3 Responses to “Alpacka Raft, LLC”

  1. redbeard33 says:

    I used one of these for a week-long river hunt on the Missouri. I had a dog, gear and a couple gun cases. These rafts are burly! By the end it had several critters lashed to it and tracked decently. I prefer a canoe now, but if you aren’t skilled in the water, these are easy to use.

  2. Major_Northeast_City says:

    This a truly amazing piece of kit.
    I bought one on Ebay for about $600.00, they usually sell for bit over $800.00.
    And you’ll be surprised what I intentionally purchased it for.

    I live on the island of Manhattan a.k.a. N.Y.C.
    As you know, on 9/11/2001 after both buildings collapsed (I live ½ mile from ground zero) they closed all bridges, tunnels, roadways, airports out of the city… so you were stuck, you could no evacuate anywhere period.


  3. Major_Northeast_City says:

    Continued from above.
    This Alpacka Raft will allow me to get to the Hudson River (I live 7 blocks from the river) and paddle across to New Jersey escaping Manhattan in the event of a radioactive dirty bomb or any other massive “unexpected event”.

    I have already done 3 practice runs over this summer and all three went smoothly.
    I can fit my ‘Spec Ops T.H.E. Pack’ into the front of the Alpacka Raft.
    The Alpacka Raft weighs just over 4 lbs. and rolled up, fits into it’s carry sack which can be thrown over your shoulder.
    The Alpacka Raft is the perfect ‘Escape’ raft for me.