FirstSpear TV

Magpul MBUS Pro Now Shipping

Those badass Magpul MBUS Pro front and rear sights introduced at the end of April are now shipping.


MBUS Pro Rear

MBUS Pro Front


5 Responses to “Magpul MBUS Pro Now Shipping”

  1. Mark says:

    The pricing on these models really takes Magpul out of their normal appeal of durable construction paired with functionality, all made affordable. They’ll be up against some successful and proven products. We’ll see how the testing and reviews shake out. Best of luck.

    • Jon C. says:

      I am not sure how a pair of melonited steel sights with tool-less adjustment and the smallest footprint of any fully featured sight set, for less than the cost of the closest competitors front alone doesn’t fit the Magpul product model.

      The only close competitor to these is the KAC Micro sights, which are fantastic. Go MSRP to MSRP and it will put the price in perspective with a suitable alternative.

  2. Mobious says:

    I didn’t realize these are shipping now, I’ve come across replicas that are already on sale… but looked like they weren’t metal

    • SPQR476 says:

      Anything on E-bay is not the real MBUS Pro.

      As for the price…at MSRP, they are less expensive by a good bit than the MSRP of just about any other commonly accepted metal BUIS, and that’s for machined aluminum. They are also about a full 1/8″ lower when folded than most machined sights. Then compare them to other steel sights for price.

      Just check out a set when a local dealer gets them in. I think you’ll find them a bargain.

  3. I for one am looking forward to trying a set not only for the price but for Magpul’s support of the 2A and the American Patriot – this is in sharp contrast to certain other competitors who offer folding sights