UF PRO recently introduced the Striker Field Shirt, one of the pieces of their Striker BDU line in PenCott Greenzone camouflage. The field shirt is made from 50/50 NyCo ripstop fabric, with all loop material meeting NATO NIR requirements. The anatomic cut is designed for comfort when worn under body armor or battle vests. Dual access chest pockets feature Velcro closures to help prevent injury from secondary fragments, and offer good access to contents, even when wearing equipment or body armor. Big upper and lower arm pockets are spacious enough for equipment that requires quick access. Also included are pouches for D30 Trio Mid elbow protectors.
Tags: Hyde Definition, PenCott, UF PRO
There are some great photos of UF PRO’s Striker BattleDress System in use on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.615424131835396.1073741831.613254735385669&type=1