TYR Tactical

G-Code D3 Disruptive Environments Carrier


For those of you who have been wondering about the leg rig Travis Haley has been sporting in some recent photos, it’s actually something a bit more: the D3 Disruptive Environments Carrier. The Disruptive Environments Carrier is the result of a collaborative effort between G-Code and Haley Strategic Partners. It’s a modular magazine system, minimal and lightweight, which is precision molded and finished to insure performance in a wide variety of changing environments.

The individual magazine cavities for both pistol and rifle magazines are form fitted and ambidextrous, and are tension adjustable and engineered for modularity. The carriers are designed for use with multiple carry options: paddle, belt-slide, MOLLE adaptor, Intermediate Suspension System drop-leg adaptor, and harness adaptor for use with most tactical harnesses.

Each D3 carrier delivers a reduced visual and IR signature through the use of select camouflage material laminates on the exterior of the holster body. The current available patterns are: Black Tactical Fuzz, Coyote Tan Tactical Fuzz, MultiCam, Kryptek Mandrake, and Kryptek Highlander.

Additionally, the Disruptive Environments Carrier is available in single and double magazine configurations.


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4 Responses to “G-Code D3 Disruptive Environments Carrier”

  1. Philip says:

    I’m seeing lots more kit being offered in Kryptek… they’re definitely expanding their market. Is this a subtle hint about the results of the Army camo trials? 😉

  2. Egg D Roll says:

    consider the possibility that it is an effective camouflage pattern by itself regardless of camo trials

  3. Padawan says:

    Or Kryptek is good at marketing and wants to be established in the civilian market, whether it’s adopted by the Army or not.

  4. Bobcat says:

    Can we just focus on the nice good in the picture please?